Having to push back original exam date – FAR

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  • #1800164

    Looking for some suggestions! I originally had planned on taking FAR in June. I was going along with Becker and have only one chapter left (governmental part 2) when I realized that my transcripts would not be sent in time and therefore am having to push the exam back until July. I’m torn on what to do now… should I just finish up all the chapters then use the extra month to go through a cumulative review and really hit all the topics? Or delay finishing Becker and go back to what the website says I should be on this week and review from there? Sorry these may sound like dumb questions, but since FAR is the most difficult I figured I should probably seek some advice from those who have taken the exam before!

    Thanks so much!

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  • Author
  • #1800248

    There is no such thing as dumb question….So, give yourself the best chance to pass. Most of my problem was finishing the materials and then go into a panic because there was not enough time to review with the exam date approaching. So finish and review is my suggestion. Nail it down while you can. 🙂

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    some people may disagree, but two weeks review after you have gone through the material is not enough, especially if you aren't' studying full-time. The delay might actually be a good thing. I would just stick with your schedule and take your time with the material.


    I would finish the material and go back to any areas you aren't confident on. Becker is just a guide, you need to focus on your specific weak areas which may not align with other people's or what the review material thinks you need the most time on.


    I had to push back my FAR exam date as well for things completely out of my control. As aggravating as it was at the time, turned out to be a good thing. The extra study time allowed me to hone in on my week areas, really get a good grasp of govt and I ended up passing one and done.

    Use the extra time to your advantage. Finish up Becker, hit cumulative reviews and hone in on the weaker areas.

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