free online resources - Page 2

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  • #1655143

    hi guys,

    I tried posting on here yesterday, I am not sure if it went through or not but I don’t think so.
    Anyhoo, I am on a bit of a hiatus, since taking BEC in August, from CPA exam studies. BEC was failure #3 of 3 for me. I think I mentioned that I’m “stuck in the low 60s” as far as my scores go. Not horrid, but still a ways from 75. But, I am not a quitter and never will be probably. I’m trying to find some free options, or very low cost options (in addition to Ninja) that I can use starting in Jan/Feb when I resume my studies. REG will be the first one I do, as I have not yet taken that test.

    Reason for “freebies” is that I’ve already paid 2K to Roger Cpa Review. Not up for spending a lot more money on this project…at least not yet. I’d probably plunk down the dough more willingly if I had a pass under my belt. But, until that happens, I’d rather use free resources.

    If anyone can recommend some, that’d be great, I’ve seen a couple freebie-type websites already with many MCQs and some SIMs. Cpareview for free dot com is a good one, although they do have pay-to-play option too.

    Thanks for any suggestions in advance. I haven’t posted in a long time and probably won’t again regularly until next year but I wanted to throw this out there just so I can get some ideas.

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  • #1659715

    @BoyNextDoor I've never hit the review phase in Ninja. I try to answer as many as I can, but as long as I keep the trending score around 75-80% and I've answered at least 75% of the problems correctly then I feel ok. I think with REG I only had around 100 questions not seen, but that was the closest I've come to seeing them all so far. Unfortunately, I can't see where I was for AUD and FAR and I didn't think to check on them before I lost access.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I don't know why people talk so much about trending scores. Usually those who trend “well” don't do well on the actual exam. And then there are those who never got more than 50% on a practice exam who pass.


    Well in Ninja, the trending score is like the average of the last 5 or 10 sessions, so it's not my average score overall (like from the beginning when I am learning and don't remember any of it) but just the more recent stuff. It makes me feel more confident that I understand the material and concepts. And I completely disagree with your statement about those who trend “well” not doing well on the actual exam. At the end of the day, it's all about your understanding of the concepts.

    As for the practice exams, I don't take them because I know the scores don't even come close since they aren't scored the same was as the actual exam. I feel like it's a waste of 4 hours when I can find better use of the time.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    @Jennifer – there have been plenty of folks on here (and off) who have reported their anomaly between trending scores and exam performance. It definitely applied to me!
    I'm a stat! It makes complete sense though. You get one set of questions on a practice exam/practice questions. You get another on the actual exam. The exam ones may be harder or easier than the ones you practiced on, hence the difference between trending scores and your exam score. Want to argue about it further?! LOL


    I'm not saying it's a perfect system or that it will work for everyone, but I do think that there are those who trend well and score well. In previous audit attempts I couldn't get my trending score above 65 – but this last time I was close to 80 and then I scored well on the exam. For me, there is a direct correlation, imo. But that's also a testament to how I learn.

    As for the questions – I feel like the Ninja test bank is close to the questions you see on the exam. I've even had an exact question on the exam from the test bank a few times. But when I answer enough questions, then I don't get surprised by the MCQs on the exam. Nothing is ever going to be a perfect duplicate or whatever, but if it helps you understand the concepts then it's done the job.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo

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