Finished FAR with almost an hour left, am I screwed?

  • This topic has 13 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #199571

    I finished FAR with almost an hour of time left. MC seemed medium then hard then medium. SIMS went alright. Overall I feel like I did enough to pass but not by much. Stupid scored aren’t released until February. I passed both BEC and REG with time left. BEC I had about 20 minutes left since the essays took me awhile to do, then I had about 40 minutes left on REG.

    BEC 86

    REG 80

    FAR Q1 2016


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  • #755044

    If you are a super fast test taker then why are you worried? Until I saw that you passed REG and BEC, I was going to tell you that if they give you those in 3 hours, then this one isn't much longer, and therefore doable…


    I think you are fine based on your other scores. Many others have had the same experience and passed.


    I finished everything with an hour left too !
    You will be fine 🙂

    FAR 90 - 11/16/2015
    BEC 81 - 2/14/2016
    REG 87 - 5/23/2016
    AUD - 8/8/2016


    I'm a super fast test taker too and I had to purposely slow myself down for FAR. I left with 45 minutes and passed.

    FAR 87
    AUD 94
    BEC 85
    REG 8/16


    Based on your other exam scores, that seems reasonable. I finished AUD with 40 mins to spare because I rushed through the MCQ after my experience with FAR, which I ran out of time on…

    FAR - May 2014
    AUD - August 2014
    BEC - February 2015
    REG - May 2015

    Ethics - December 2015


    wow….took FAR yesterday and I have no idea how you finished with an hour left. I would say that's a good sign for you based on your previous scores. I finished AUD with an hour left, but there are no calculations really for that exam. FAR has way too many calculations and long winded questions that I don't know how in the world you did that.

    I answered all the questions, but only left an hour to do the SIMS. I wish I had more time. Here's to hoping for a 75!!!

    AUD - 49, 66, 72, 77!!
    FAR - 72, 73, 78
    BEC - 70, 74, 79, I'm DONE!!!!!!
    REG - 70, 76!!!! FIRST PASS

    Don’t faint in the day of adversity. Remember your ABCs—Adversity Builds Character!!! - Andy Andrews


    I haven't taken FAR yet, but based on your scores and that you finished early for other exams, I think you should be ok. I have the same situation with AUD – I finished with an hour and 40 minutes left, spent 15 to look at my SIMS, then hit submit with almost 90 minutes left. I finished both BEC and REG with an hour left, and passed both with room to spare.

    One thing I've learned in this whole process is it's great to pick up tips from people, but you also have to figure out what your learning and test styles are, and play to your strengths. Some would say lots of time left is bad, because either you didn't read the questions well enough or didn't check answers. It doesn't bother me, because I'm a fast test taker and I have a bad habit of second guessing myself out of right answers. What's normal or works for you won't work for some other people, and vise versa.

    Hope everyone passes that's waiting on Feb score releases! It stinks taking an exam at the beginning of the window because you have to wait much longer for your score.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    I had classmates take 1 hour to finish the exam, and I would spend three hours on the exam and they still get better score. Who knows, maybe you know the material so well that you only need one hour.

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    Nope. You should be fine.
    From my experience, the faster you finish the better result you get.
    AUD was my last one, and I couldn't wait to get it done. Rushing everything and walked out within 2 hours.

    FAR (4/14/14) - 97
    REG (11/17/14) - 94
    BEC (11/30/14) - 92
    AUD (2/28/15) - 99


    @ Yukkeko,
    How did you develop your test taking skills? Really curious. If I was to answer FAR with the speed you did, I would probably be scoring low 60s. Amazing scores! I'm sure you will get an award here.


    Thanks for all of the support guys! Waiting for the scores always sucks and then I second guess myself


    maybe you're too smart for cpa stuff


    Not really. I passed audit with an hour left.

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