Felt decent about FAR… does that mean I failed?

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  • #2881638


    New to the forum and just took my first CPA exam this week. I went in to FAR feeling relaxed because I treated it like a practice run and didn’t place any undue emotional pressure on myself to pass on the first attempt. But the exam experience was horrible in the sense that I got a major headache and nausea from staring at the screen with such concentration for that long. I thought I would have to crawl out of there on my hands and knees. I could barely finish the last SIM, but I managed it. Other than that, I felt like the MCQs in the first testlet weren’t that bad. And I feel the like the second testlet was a bit harder, but not drastically so. Got two research questions, which was nice. The rest of the SIMs were hard and I plugged in the answers doing the best I could, but knowing it was hit or miss.

    All in all I feel like there’s at least a chance that I passed. But reading through these threads, it sounds like a lot of people feel like they bombed the test only to find out that they passed, sometimes by quite a large margin. Maybe this is a sign that I failed miserably? My score is going to be in the 30s isn’t it. Lol. Anyone else feel ok about their performance and pass? I know feelings aren’t any real indicator, but I’d be curious to hear about other people’s experiences.

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  • #2881860

    I took it on the third and had the same experience (except for the nausea)! I had a headache through the whole thing. But other than that: 1st testlet felt reasonable and got through in about 45 with a handful left. 2nd testlet felt like it was hit or miss. Couldn't really tell if it was harder or not. I felt ok on the sims but those have been killing me. So this time I drilled tbs till I couldn't do anymore when studying. By the time I got to the last two I was exhausted. I did have extra time because I was in accident and have some permanent damage in my right (dominant) hand. So I took my time. I studied better for this test than I have in the past. So I basically feel like I did the best that I could. So I have a feeling of relief knowing that I did my best. I have no idea if I passed or not. Trying not to dwell on it. Instead going to the National championship on Monday night. Good luck my friend! I hope we both pass!


    No lol. Everyone's experiences are different. For REG, I KNEW I failed and it ended up being my highest score. BUT for the other 3, I didn't feel that badly about them and still passed them all. Particularly AUD and BEC. I don't think feeling good automatically leads to a fail.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    I know it's difficult, but try your best to not dwell on it too much. Take a few days off, go enjoy life, get some quality ‘you' time in before you hit the next section.
    For perspective:
    FAR = 100% sure I failed, got a 77
    BEC = 100% sure I passed, got a 79 (was expecting at least a 90)
    REG = 100% sure I failed, got a 78
    AUG = 100% sure I passed, got a 86 (was expecting at least a 90)
    Conclusion = no idea every time, hah

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