FAR today

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    Well I personally felt like I killed it. I got a 70 first time around in November , I didn’t finish 60% of the sims. So I studied a little more and retested today. The test felt like stupid easier than the first time. Still tough questions and still had to think and guess on a couple but completed every section with time to review vs running out of time and not even finishing. I feel this is a fear sign but idk. What did y’all think of today’s test?

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  • #753875

    I don't feel I killed it, but I think I passed it.

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    Any tips?

    Did either of you use Becker? I am still WAY confused on what version I should be studying … the Becker representative said v1.2, but I am getting conflicting info from their own book. Were there any questions related to the standards change?

    Good luck to you both … I am taking FAR on 1/15, ready or not since my NTS is expiring. I am verging on the not side!


    I am using gleim, which I don't think is good enough, there is no concentration, so I bought ninja Mcq, it is awesome

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    malotu – take the exam if your nts is expiring. don't let it go to waste and lose an opportunity to pass. honestly, you may get testlets that are med, hard , med and doable sims and squeak by like i did. i took far because nts was expiring but figured i would go see what the exam was like with no expectation of passing but guess what? i did. and the 18 month clock has been ticking ever since. go for it! if you dont pass you will be better prepared for next time. you really have nothing to lose by taking it.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    monikernc – that is what I figured … the sad thing is that I have been studying for FAR since October and only got to F4. This is a retake. I have been preoccupied with my kids, husband, and house. So now I am officially cramming! I will do one chapter a day (or what I can of it). However, I did retain most of what I learned from October-December (although my practice was spotty at best) and this is my second time through the material so I have a point of reference for the material. The first time I took FAR it was my first exam ever and I was totally lost. I think that if I can stick to my plan I will have an honest shot.

    vanessachy – I wish I could implement NINJA, but I squandered too much time. Lets hope there isn't a next time, but if I have to retake it again, I will probably just use NINJA materials.


    @Vanessachy I agree with your thoughts on Gleim, and that's exactly what I plan on doing (with getting Ninja MCQs). I'm taking FAR in February and plan to get Ninja for my last week or so after I finish the Gleim chapters.

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    @AccountingPun- I took FAR in November and I walked out of there feeling like I passed. The SIMS were doable and I wasn't really sure about MCQ, but assumed that I did okay. I failed with a 74. I took it again this morning and felt like I did really well on MCQ but the SIMS were BRUTAL. Not sure if I passed 🙁

    To me- it sounds like you have passed. Especially since you have done this before and came pretty close to passing. I think the trend is that you usually increase your score on repeat exams. Good luck!

    FAR- 1/5/16 PASSED
    AUD- 4/18/16 PASSED
    BEC- 7/21/16


    @busybee1213 i feel the exact opposite , sims were brutal before but easier this time, what are the rules on here talking about the test questions in specifics?


    @andyred04, I would recommend buy it earlier and practice more on ninja. I switched back to gleim the last day just to look at different questions, I just want to say ninja is a lot closer to the actual exam.

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    Btw, you can use gleim to practice ifrs, that function is useful, too bad that I didn't have enough to time to look through

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    @HiYa! — technically we cannot divulge any nature of the exam! which I hate since I take the exam Thursday and want to know ha. I took it late November and got a 74. I am not sure what to expect with all the new udpates if the changes will be tested a lot or what.


    That is what I want to know also, Birch. Specifically, if they made it known that the question was referring to the new standard. I have heard the changes are testable in Q1, but I have also heard they want start until Q2 and even Q3. I am afraid I will get answers wrong because I studied the most recent version of Becker.


    dont worry , V1.1 and V1.2 are the same, becker makes money by tricking people into buying their newest program. The test had 0 questions over how extraordinary items are now gone. Becker maybe updated .0005% of their program. I know many people who got $100-free 1 year old becker books and passed the fning test 🙁

    for the record I bought the newest $3600 18 month study guide because It helps me sleep better at night 😀


    That is good to know, AccountingPun. I am using my v1.1 Becker text (from last January) with the v1.2 lectures and questions. The one difference was the total absence of extraordinary items and I am glad to hear that your experience was that they are no longer testing them, like Becker has said.


    I was confused on one MCQ on the exam because extraordinary items was listed as a potential answer and it would have been the answer if it still existed. I spent probably 5 minutes going back and forth about what to mark. It was frustrating that they would do that, but it was only one question so no biggy! I had a conceptual question on going concern, but again, just one. However, I read another person's post saying they got a lot of new standard questions. I'd say don't mark extraordinary items as any of your answers because the AICPA published for everyone to see that extraordinary items are not testable starting this quarter.

    FAR - 85 (01/2016)
    BEC - 88 (05/2016)
    AUD - 09/2016
    REG - plan to take in 11/2016 or 01/2017

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