FAR studying

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  • #178513

    Just starting self study. Exam in 90 days. I am using Becker. I plan to put in 35 hours per week. I have a Degree in Finance and an MBA. I consider myself an average guy. How will those 35 hours play out if i have a strong regimen? I am starting with FAR first because its so far the most difficult per research. Any advise?


    after burner...

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  • #424947

    FAR is NOT the most difficult. It just has the most material. It may be the most difficult for you with no accounting background.

    35 hours a week is overkill IMO. The advice I'd give is to concentrate your efforts more toward your test than earlier as the material will slip your mind with ease.


    @Juranamo, 35 hours a week is a lot! Do you also work, or no? I think getting in 20 is a challenge.

    Not to hyjack your thread juranamo, but a question for anyone that wants to entertain it re: FAR studying:

    After I PASS AUDIT on Sunday, my last last section is FAR. I have 3 testing periods to get it done before I lose REG, so my thought was to immediately start studying for the remainder of Q3 testing window and sit on 8/31 (already scheduled it in fact) and at least “give it a whirl” in this window. It's only going to be 7 weeks of studying though, at a likely 15-20 hours a week. Will this give me ANY shot at passing?? I took FAR twice in my lifetime back in 2008/2009, so while it won't be 100% unfamiliar terroritory for me, I've been out of the FAR game for a LONG while now! Realistically my best bet will be passing it in November sometime after a groovy attempt 8/31 and a re-try 2 months later.

    REG - 65, 70, 80!
    BEC - 35, 62, 79!
    AUD - 73, 75!
    FAR - 65, 73, 70, 75! DONE.


    @ganudorm: I have a pending Masters Degree in Acctg. I put it aside for this. I just want to give it everything. I really thought it was the most challenging.

    after burner...


    @nbad311: I do work 40 hrs a week. The plan is to put 4 hrs during each of the 5 days i work, plus 20 hrs for the 2 days i'm off =- 36. Late 20's. I am in a hurry lol

    after burner...

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