These tests are beyond strange. I quit trying to figure out the logic behind them a long long time ago. But anyway yes, in answer to the OP's question, my FAR testlets were all of easy questions. It got easier and easier as I went along. By the time I was done with those 90 questions, it was like a voice was saying to me “You didn't do well, so we didn't give you anything harder or your head might've exploded.” I got some easy SIMs but I didn't do well on them enough to pass. Or, maybe I did do well on them and the MCQ killed my score. Who knows. But yeah, if you think you got three easy testlets, you probably did. And if you did, it simply means that you have to do very well on the SIMs in order to pass.
I don't know if this was your first attempt at FAR or your first exam ever, but at least now you know what to expect if you do have to re-take it. Yup, people underestimate the number of IFRS, Govt, and Nonprofit questions and that's why they test on them the heaviest.
To be very honest, my enthusiasm for getting the CPA just seems to be less and less every day. I don't have much incentive or motivation to keep at it, but since I've paid for the review course and the exams already (I foolishly paid for them all at once, so I have to take them all this year)….I might as well just keep going, in hopes that someday I do find the motivation that I pretty well lost after finishing the FAR review course. I'm glad I'm not one of those twentysomethings whose life and career are riding on passing the CPA exam.