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  • #1642937

    If the sim instructions said leave fields blank instead of putting 0s if adjustments/entries weren’t needed, do they count the blank fields in grading or are is it only graded for accuracy on the fields that have data?

    For instance, if half of the fields are blank, and I’m pretty sure supposed to be left blank, but what if I got half of the fields wrong where I actually put in data. So would that give me a 75% or 50%?

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    – Mod NINJAs

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  • Author
  • #1642999

    Hi mhar,

    Relax and stop worrying about the exam.

    I took FAR 3rd quarter of year 2017, I nailed MCQs questions, probably 3 unsure answers out of 66 questions. But on may simulations, I felt like I'm not prepared to answer because of too much attached documents to read first before to figure out how to compute. I believe, I bombed it, I totally leave 2 simulations in blank. In short, I felt like I failed my first exam.

    But when the score was released, I'm surprised receiving a grade of 82.

    Therefore, you can't tell if you pass or you fail. Just relax and keep your focus on the other exam.

    God bless.


    Didn't get it , can u please clarify? All SIms were supposed to be left blank if no adjustments JE were required . So you filled something and later you discovered no AJE were required.
    This is debatable on this forum, people have written pro and cons of leaving blank when zero was asked or zero when blank was asked. I believe
    Don't worry too much about zero or blanks.


    All you can do is follow the instructions. You did what they said so you shouldn't stress


    Thanks for all the input. Definitely need to stop worrying at this point because there's nothing I can do about it. I was pretty confident that a few accounts didn't require adjustments, so I was hoping that they would be considered correct instead of no count.


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    – Mod NINJAs


    I would assume they grade each field.
    If it should be blank and it's not, that probably counts as incorrect.
    I can't see them not counting blank fields towards your score, because you knew to leave it empty.


    @mhar ,hey I don't want you to divulge either but you can share your experience in general which may help others.Just curious how overall you felt about FAR MCQ and SIMs individually ? Was MCQ doable in 90 minutes ?

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    @mhar OMG I agree with you I took my exam Oct 2 and was beyond confused.


    @JRM , what is one sided entry dude ? Debit = Credit , I can't pass one sided entry for correction.Can you please explain how you can pass one side of entry and still tally the trial ? How was the MCQ ? Did your 2nd MCQ gone difficult ?


    @Alrhaea I was literally in the same boat as you. I just now looked at my score and I got an 82 on my retake back in June.

    @WannaFree hey boss did you end up passing the beast? I haven't been on the forums in awhile. I was honestly hoping you passed more than myself haha I think everyone in the forum knows you work/worked hard at it.


    @nvm5223 not yet.


    For those who will take FAR exam, focus on concepts.
    Master the journal entries and practice MCQs. If you know the concepts any questions you can answer it correctly. Practice more simulation because its very time consuming in actual exam. For MCQs master government accounting and not for profit.

    Too many topics in FAR but most of the topics are not tested in actual exam. I took my FAR exam Q3 of year 2017.

    Hope I can help you future CPAs.

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    -Andria, Another71


    @jrm and @mhar how many emails/memo based SIMs were there ? Did you feel lack of time or it's doable ?


    @wannafree I wish i could explain more of the journal entry but it would disclose too much information. It is doable if you do not get stuck on any one for too long. and as far as the MCQ i did not notice a change in difficulty but i never do. I think both exams had challenging and easy mcq mixed throughout but ninja prepared me for all the MCQ i saw. None out of left field.

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    -Andria, Another71


    Just a friendly heads up that this thread has needed several edits for breaking exam disclosure rules. You cannot share the types of questions, number of questions, etc.

    The AICPA monitors this forum closely, so please do not put yourself in a bind by disclosing exam content that you agreed not to share.

    Please take a moment and review the forum rules: https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/topic/cpa-exam-forum-faqs-and-help-center/



    You guys should put out daily reminders for disclosures. I know you guys monitor this website closely and do a great job at editing posts but a lot of users really try to squeeze information out of others with not much respect for the rules. Maybe post a specific outline of what EXACTLY can and cannot be shared. Some people benifit big time by others disclosing too much and those that do so should reported

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