FAR SIMS Question

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  • #186346

    Does the Authoritative literature help on the FAR SIMS?

    I found it to be epic for AUD and very helpful for REG. What is the consensus on FAR?

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  • #575449

    My opinion is NO, i too thought for Audit the AL was great but I didn't have a minute to look anything in the AL for FAR. And reading ASC is not nearly as simple as reading Tax and Audit AL.

    Licensed WA CPA 2/2015
    Government Auditor Since 2007


    I personally wouldn't bother trying to look stuff up until you've completed all the simulations to the best of your ability and feel comfortable with what you've put. I had very limited time to check the AL for my simulations on FAR. I spent the last 5 minutes sifting the AL in hopes of finding nuggets of gold, but I really didn't find any immediately useful information.

    It was much more useful in my REG simulations.

    REG - 88 - 8 Weeks (Becker, Ninja Audio/Flashcards, Wiley TB)
    FAR - 87 - 10 Weeks (Becker, Ninja Audio)
    AUD - 98 - 6 Weeks (Becker, Ninja Audio, Ninja MCQ)
    BEC - 87 - 2 Weeks (Becker & Ninja Audio)


    Yup…finish everything before you waste time on AL.

    With the exception of the research question, AL will not be of any help if you dont know what you're doingvor looking for.

    REG -63│ 84!!
    BEC- 59│70│ 71 │78!
    AUD- 75!
    FAR- 87!



    The full codification has illustrative examples on every single topic that could be tested. I recommend browsing the free AICPA one to get a good understanding of the structure.

    On my exam I found an entire sim word for word in the illustrative examples. The numbers where the exact same. In my opinion, i think the exam makers want to test your resourcefulness just as much as your knowledge.


    Really? Word for word?


    I didn't find AL helpful for FAR. AUD was VERY helpful, however.



    How did you pass all 4 parts in three months time? I am just starting and trying to get this out of the way ASAP. any pointers? what strategies did you use?


    I second @bigbob and @bbarlow. I would like to know too @bae-bae.

    FAR - 46, 79 (7/8/14)
    AUD - 56, 59, 2/23/15 3rd times a charm!
    BEC - 69, 74 Really??
    REG - April, I hope. Fingers crossed!


    Thanks bae-bae!

    I got 2 sims in AUD nearly word for work and significant help on 2 others. I don't expect that much help in FAR, but it is good to hear there is some value to it.

    The sims are hard 😮 Hopefully I can can stay on track and have a couple hours for the SIMS. I never took more than 1 minute for each MCQ so far leaving me ample research time.


    Honestly, I too feel that you should complete the SIMS to the best of your knowledge, and save looking up information in the literature as a last resort, or to check your work at the end. I think looking up information takes too much time up. I started looking up answers to my SIMS, and wasted five minutes looking around, but then I realized I know enough about the topic to just attempt them. I tricked myself into thinking I needed the AL. Just bang them out without it, and use it to confirm answers or look things up that you absolutely do not know.


    THE AL didn't help me much for FAR this time, even with the illustrative examples. But that could have just been my draw though… :O/

    Using Ninja MCQ, NINJA Notes, Audio, Flashcards and BLITZ, and 2014 Wiley Text

    FAR - (61,63)
    AUD - (68)

    Keep Calm and RTMFQ

    Accountant, what is best in life? To crush your MCQs, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their SIMS!

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