FAR – Should I resched or push through?

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  • #196060

    I have FAR scheduled on 8/24, it’s my first CPA exam. I’m currently using Wiley CPA (watched lectures, wrote down notes, and flash cards) / Ninja Audio and I’m just about to finish Governmental Accounting which then I’ll have to go back and take all the quizzes per topic then hammer MCQs. I have not taken any MCQ’s just yet so I don’t know where to base my progress from.

    Will I have enough time or am I cutting it too close? Unfortunately September is a blackout month, which means I’ll be moving it on October…

    I need your opinion…

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  • #686742

    If money is an issue and sitting again is too expensive, I would say reschedule.

    Ignoring costs. Take it for the experience and see what happens. Then pick your next section and follow the method in the NNIJA notes for 6 weeks and test that subject. If you missed FAR take it again as your third test using the NINJA method for 6 weeks.

    From the looks of your post your approach has been to casual. To much time watching the lectures and taking notes….You should have hundreds of MCQs under your belt by now and have read the Ninja Notes 3 or 4 times. Every day you should be working frantically through MCQs, scribbling notes on the ones you got wrong and keep moving….You will understand what you are up against once you take it, that is why I say go for it.

    The NINJA method works, so do that. Good luck.

    Licensed Texas CPA


    @studylongustudywrong I'm actually torn tbh, I want to take it just for the experience and who knows maybe I pass it with what I have right now or fail and re-do everything from scratch.

    Money isn't an issue but it could be a nudge on my confidence. (If I fail)

    I forgot to add that I started studying 2 weeks ago (NINJA Method). If you're familiar with Wiley CPA and their way of distributing FAR lectures, it's kinda dragging….

    I don't have NINJA notes, I have the audio. Should I get it? 🙂



    The audio is great, but yes I really recommend the notes. They made THE difference for me.

    Statistically, failing a couple of test is “par for the course”.

    I agree the lectures and texts are dragging. The meat is in the MCQs, so dig in.

    Studying from now till October is too long. Maybe try and move it to the 31st? That gives an extra week, which would be huge.

    Licensed Texas CPA


    When I was studying for far, I felt the same way but I figured having an extra month pass before the exam will do more harm than good since the information wont be so fresh by then. I finished the study material a few weeks before the exam date and spent the last few weeks hammering down on the Wiley test bank questions. When i came across a question I found was troubling, I went back into the material and reviewed the topic and made flash cards that I went over everyday. If your CPAexcel comes with the test banks, I would say you should DEFINITELY finish it or at least try to. It has all the topics you've covered so it'll help keep it all fresh at the same time. Oh, and btw make sure you know governmental accounting inside and out. (funds, encumbrance, journal entries, EVERYTHING) its a small part of the material but I had like 4 in depth sims on them. Good luck!


    I wouldn't push it back.

    I freaked out about 3 weeks before the exam because I got through the material and I didn't feel like a remembered anything. This is actually pretty common.

    Just dedicate the next couple weeks to an intense review and you'll be good to go. Keep the momentum going.

    MCQs, MCQs, MCQs

    Good luck!

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    Get ‘er done. What is the worse that can happen if you fail? You have to review some weak points and retake it? On the other hand, you could surprise yourself and pass. The only thing you have to lose is some money, but the potential gain is some even more valuable time. I have mine in two weeks, and I'm nervous too, but I'm jumping in because of the above logic that I outlined. In fact, thinking about it like that makes me want to take it even earlier.

    FAR - 80

    Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.

    -John Wayne

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