FAR – Share your April 17 exam experience - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #1527688
    Mouzam Ali


    For everyone who have already appeared or are going to appear for FAR exam in near future post April 17 changes, please share your exam experience here. It would be of great help.

    How did you feel overall regarding MCQ & TBS sections ? And how did the 15 mins break work out ?

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

    BEC - 80 (6/9/15) - Roger+Becker
    AUD - 69,61 - Roger
    REG - 4/3/16
    FAR - *****

    Running out of 18 months soon.
    Pursuing CPA since 2012. Started giving exams only in 2014 Q4.
    Used Becker earlier now switched to Roger CPA Review.

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  • Author
  • #1529161

    @cpaTroll77 ,double submission.sorry


    @cpaTroll77 , When I appeared for FAR in March I had smelled this Q2 exam format with only difference they are considerate to reduce the MCQ from 90 to 66. .Too many calculations and I had little time left for SIM and then research question from left field.
    Just some more education I need , are FAR DRS or sample DRS there in Gleim book or sample SIMs on AICPA site ? I have done some DRS while doing AUD through sample SIM of AICPA. Have you gone through some other materials besides Gleim ? When I google DRS ,most answers are speculative based on AICPA site and as generic as common sense and also they are from June 2016.Any guidance on DRS would be appreciated.Please forgive me for too many questions,actually you are the first survivor to come out of war field .LOL
    @Claudia ,Have you done sample test on AICPA ? Just wondering how useful the SIMs of sample test are ?


    @Claudia ,do you think you could have solved DRS had you got more time in an ideal world ? Were you well prepared for SIMs and DRS ? If yes then please give me some sermons.


    WannaFree, I know you are anxious to know and that's understandable. If you keep pounding multiple choice you will be fine.


    This is definitely scaring me….sounds like the new sims are very hard


    Hell to the NO i was not prepared for the SIMs. And no I didn't use the AICPA practice tests. Anyhoo, I barely got comfortable with the DRS doing well with my test bank looking at all the documents, but now there is a DRS with no answer selection – all fill in the blank of a bunch of cells/tables! I think it takes about 5-7 minutes to read the instructions and review all documents you are given before starting any sort of calculation or inputting of any data. At that point you are left with maybe 20 minutes to do everything else. I don't how this is suppose to “mirror” the real world… in the real world, if you are given a spreadsheet and documents that you've never seen before you definitely need more than 10-15 minutes to review the data you have before you start populating any sort of spreadsheet. Plus, you can print out multiple documents and speak with colleagues about the data you're given. I dunno I'm sure some people will be able to review multiple documents without printing it and populate a table with many cells, but I wonder how much time one would need and how accurate one will be. No matter, 45%ish will pass FAR – just make sure you are in that top 45%ish.

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    Claudia I was thinking the same thing as I took the test. I would normally print out the document or have a dual screen.


    @cpatroll77 ,thanks for your inputs ,yes I was anxious for DRS and I found out on practice test what is that beast called DRS. Now I can see what you all are talking about.I am shocked it will take me 20 minutes to read and understand the question and then conclude I have wasted 20 minutes.As if 43% in Q1 was not enough to demoralize the candidates.Yes I am pounding on MCQ on Gliem , Becker's.Just want to be free from this exam hence doing what all can do.Surprisingly when I am on last section I am restless to finish whereas I was calm during earlier section.


    Is it just me or is Becker's new set up for progress tests for FAR very confusing? I think NINJA has a much better MCQ set up and I feel like I learn better


    I just booked my appointment and the duration is listed as 4 1/2 hours (that would be great!), can someone confirm?

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    The clock started counting down from four hours when I took the test. Maybe they added the 15 minute break and intro screen to the total test time.


    I am old school, i have a hard time reviewing if i dont have a print out 🙁 🙁 OMG!


    @cpatrol77 , you finished SIM in 1.5 hours that's good.You are giving me hope.Thank you.


    WannaFree you will be fine. You are familiar with the material. I predict a lass for you. I wish this was my last exam like you. I have only passed BEC and am now on to REG.


    Thanks cpatrol77.

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