FAR – Share your April 17 exam experience

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  • #1527688
    Mouzam Ali


    For everyone who have already appeared or are going to appear for FAR exam in near future post April 17 changes, please share your exam experience here. It would be of great help.

    How did you feel overall regarding MCQ & TBS sections ? And how did the 15 mins break work out ?

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

    BEC - 80 (6/9/15) - Roger+Becker
    AUD - 69,61 - Roger
    REG - 4/3/16
    FAR - *****

    Running out of 18 months soon.
    Pursuing CPA since 2012. Started giving exams only in 2014 Q4.
    Used Becker earlier now switched to Roger CPA Review.

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  • Author
  • #1528780


    Mouzam Ali

    @workingmomof1 – hopefully its just that weird feeling that one gets after the exam but the score will say a different story.

    How did you feel about MCQ & TBS in particular ? were they short ? And there is suppose to be only 1 DRS question right ?

    BEC - 80 (6/9/15) - Roger+Becker
    AUD - 69,61 - Roger
    REG - 4/3/16
    FAR - *****

    Running out of 18 months soon.
    Pursuing CPA since 2012. Started giving exams only in 2014 Q4.
    Used Becker earlier now switched to Roger CPA Review.


    I took the test this morning. The Mcq were calculation heavy and covered two areas thoroughly. The SIMS were long and took a while to determine the answers. There was one that I had no idea what they were asking. Now I will wait until August…


    I haven't taken the exam yet in the new format. Just wanted to bump the post so others would share.

    Thanks for sharing your experience cpatroll77!


    @cpatroll77 Did practicing sims on Gleim helped at all? If you had long sims, sounds like you got DRS/enhanced sims. Those takes some time to get done because of flipping tabs back and forth. Maybe the one you couldn't answered was a pretest.

    I will be stepping into the ring next week, really hope I can pull through this time.


    Gleim prepared me well for SIMS and multiple choice. Especially multiple choice. There is just so much to read through on the simulations. I finished with 5 minutes left. I'm postitive you will do well next week. Which prep materials are you using?


    I'm using Gleim ever since I've found out that I've failed by 1 point. Hammering 125 MCQ per day and allocated whatever time of studying time left on sims. I get done anywhere 10-20 sims a day.

    Mouzam Ali

    @cpatroll77 – its encouraging to hear from you, thanks. And Best of luck.

    What was your time strategy ?

    Its my first time using Gleim test bank along with Roger material. And Roger's book looks like a real daunting task to complete.

    Any suggestions that you could give us all to prepare for this beast ?

    BEC - 80 (6/9/15) - Roger+Becker
    AUD - 69,61 - Roger
    REG - 4/3/16
    FAR - *****

    Running out of 18 months soon.
    Pursuing CPA since 2012. Started giving exams only in 2014 Q4.
    Used Becker earlier now switched to Roger CPA Review.


    My suggestion would be to keep doing mcq and practicing sims. I wish I had more advice but that's all I have :).


    @mouzam I plan on allocating 1 hr max on MCQ and 3 hrs on sims. Gonna need every single second I can get for sims.


    If you are allowed to submit a financial exam in the new update how were the exam questions and sumliatons questions


    @cpatroll ,were SIMs similar to SIMs of Gleim ? Could you finish all 8-9 SiMs (except one ) ? I mean were they doable and need more time or completely from left field ? This time I am going through Gleim as Becker's is repetition for me.


    I took FAR on 4/3. MCQ are ok and nothing to worry about, but the SIMs are beyond outer limits. There are 8 SIMs, 1 research, 2 DRS and the rest were LOOOOONG SIMs each with at least 5 or 6 documents to review and then a HUGE table to populate. Basically it makes the DRS look like a picnic bc the DRS at least has answer choices versus a blank table. I don't know how one can organize all the documents in their head and fill in a huge table in the allotted time accurately.

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    The SIMS were similar in format only lol. I guessed on the crazy one. I finished with 5 minutes left. I sent too much time on multiple choice and only had 1.5 hours left for SIMS. I would give 2 hours for SIMS.


    they should really allow dual screens for TBS and Sims…The split screen is so tiny and the Pometric monitors are even smaller. I think you waste so much time just switching between tabs along.

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