FAR Saturday – Last Exam, HELP!

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  • #200285

    Struggling here. Some days I do well, some days I don’t.

    Averaging about a 68% in Ninja.

    This is my fourth attempt, can I do anything outside of grinding MCQs to get better prepared for this Saturday>?

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 78
    BEC - 82
    REG - 77

    2 Corinthians 5:21

    Our value does not come from our skills and abilities, as good as they may be; it does not come from our GPA, our job, a promotion from that job to a better job, our success on the CPA exam, or anything of the like; but our value comes from the fact that we have a Creator who loves us, cares for us, and desires to help us navigate the rough waters of this life in a way that provides security, hope, and true, everlasting joy while we anticipate the life to come, with Him.

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  • Author
  • #759193


    FAR - 75
    AUD - 78
    BEC - 82
    REG - 77

    2 Corinthians 5:21

    Our value does not come from our skills and abilities, as good as they may be; it does not come from our GPA, our job, a promotion from that job to a better job, our success on the CPA exam, or anything of the like; but our value comes from the fact that we have a Creator who loves us, cares for us, and desires to help us navigate the rough waters of this life in a way that provides security, hope, and true, everlasting joy while we anticipate the life to come, with Him.



    I fail FAR the Feb.1 with 69 because I ran out of time for my SIMS that really killed me.

    So, here are my failures, and hopefully help you cover the area I failed:

    MCQs: Heavy dose of Gov and NFP


    1. I was able to finish Basic EPS, but ran out of time on Diluted EPS

    2. NO time for: Foreign Currency Hedging and contract : Booking all the JEs at inception and all subsequent event date

    3. NO time for: Employee Stock Options: Booking all JEs at grant date and all subsequent year ends

    4. I felt confident on Booking all capital purchases with all applicable Depreciation between S/L & D/D

    Good luck and pass it for me. !!!!


    @ Shanek327:
    I am struggling with FAR just like you. Some days it is depressing, other days I just move on. I think hammering on MCQ from different course providers is the best way to go. You see different perspectives and get many ‘ahh!' moments. Do not let the scores you get from practice MCQ discourage you – think more about what you've learned by attempting the questions than that you got a low score – that has been my coping mechanism when I score low in a session.
    Wish you the best come Saturday. 🙂

    BEC: 74, 71, 74, 75
    AUD: 71, 74, 83
    REG: 71, 76
    FAR: (I quit) 34, 45

    BEC: 79
    AUD: 78
    REG: 67, 76
    FAR: 56 (trial run), 74, 74, 74, 80!
    Thank God. Your prayers are always answered! Do not give up. Thank you St. Joseph Cupertino.

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