FAR retake time

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  • #1737057

    Hi everyone-

    For those that had to retake FAR – how long did you study? And is it just me or did you feel sick when you opened the book AGAIN. I feel really defeated and can’t get my confidence back.

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  • #1737072

    Hi Karen, Many of us are retaking far. You just have to jump in and get started. Go ahead and set your test date and get started. You might be one of those that like to start at the beginning or in the middle but get started. Getting started and being consistent was the hardest part for me. Time goes by so fast you will really feel sick if you need to rush through the materials. I weenied out and rescheduled from March to April. Honestly I needed that extra time. I needed to convince myself that this is not a contest, yes we want it to be over asap, but I want to give myself the best chance to pass and thoroughly go over the material. 5 miles wide and 3 inches deep, it covers a lot, but better be ready and safe than sorry. Many have also said you never feel ready but us Ninja's are hear with you to go at it with you.So hey, decide on your study materials, set that date and conquer the study blahs by getting started.
    Personally, I've been her too long as a cheerleader.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    @Tncincy thanks for the support. I feel really defeated so hearing I’m in good company and can come here for support felt good. Thanks.


    I failed AUD twice and REG three times before passing, so I know how it feels. The good news is that a retake will be much easier; 4 weeks should be enough even for FAR. My motto is simply to know more than what I knew the last time.


    I took FAR in November, found out I failed in Dec (already figured anyways), and I have been studying since late Jan. I postponed my exam from March 9 to April 7… so here's hoping we pass this time!


    I took exactly 6 weeks for my FAR re-take and thought it was a perfect amount of time. Good luck-you can do it, and yes, it sucks, but just try not to focus on that;) LOL!


    Yea i know how you feel Karen. FAR is my last part after getting that 74 on the last score release i just cant get myself fully committed into studying again. I just order a brand new Becker FAR book and Ninja review to go over everything again before doing the retake. I guess just find something that motivate you to keep going. Its hard to get into the mood to study again but just get started.


    I had to retake FAR twice. First time I did the re-take after 5 weeks. Next time it was more like 6.5 weeks, which was the one I passed ultimately (3rd time overall). It is defeating. I didn't want to study again so soon which is probably why I didn't do so well at the second one. I really hammered down and intense studied, like 3500+ MCQs and firmed up my weaker areas for the third time and that was the charm. You can do it. For me it was intense, concentrated studying that did it.


    @Kimberly @CPATang @anyatver @ellejay @calvinus thanks for the experience, strength and hope. Diving back in….😊


    FAR was my last exam. On my first attempt I failed with a 58. I was like wow, how the hell am I going to pass this thing because I did so terrible? After that shocking score I knew I had to study much much harder. I received my 58 score at the end of Sept 2017. I got back into studying the very next week. I took FAR for a second time on Nov 22 right before Thanksgiving. So that was about 8 weeks of studying. I passed that time with a 75. I would say I definitely studied much harder. Did a thousand more MCQ and practiced plenty of Sims. Also for my retake I purchased Ninja and only used that because my Roger subscription had expired. You can do it!


    Hi Karen!

    I’m so sorry to hear that but yes you’re in good company. I failed twice and just took it again last week – probably failed AGAIN. Hah!

    Keep this in mind – the score release is extended to 6/27 or so for the Q2 window. You might as well use the entire window to study if that’s all you’re doing. There’s no benefit in rushing it because your results will be the same date. You might as well study for 8-12 weeks and give yourself a better shot at passing.

    Good luck!

    FAR: 65 (still drying my tears) 2nd attempt: 7/2016
    BEC: 81 5/2016 (WOO FIRST PASS!)
    REG: 5/2016
    AUD: 8/2016


    While I agree with @fwesley that you have plenty of time to take it because you won't know your score anyway, I would not recommend studying a whole quarter for one exam, especially a retake. You've already studied the material for several weeks, and then if you pile another 8-12 weeks on top of it, you're going to be so sick of FAR that your review phase will suffer. I did that with REG in Q417, studied from September to December and I suffered burnout three weeks before my exam and I think that is a reason I didn't pass then. Studied for 3 weeks after the failing score and took again in January and passed.

    I'd recommend 6 weeks tops for a retake.

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