Celestial wrote, “Also I think I may have to contact the AICPA about one of my sims. I felt like I was missing information”.
Similar experience on my exam. The instructions were lacking and the information given was slapdash.
The info given was enough, if I inferred the super spartan “Here are numbers, go plug” instructions correctly. I would be happiest if that SIM was thrown out, as it would leave me only with one other that I gutterballed by being in a rush and not thinking it through. That gutterballed one should have been easy, and is on heavily tested material. There is no way they throw that one out. If they did, I think I could do one handed backhands or keep on trying (them) until not able to move anymore.
I'm dreading tomorrow. It is either going to be:
A) rounding out Top 5 Happiest Days of my Life
B) depressing funk day that I have to shake off as fast as possible before guests to stay for holidays
C) !Squirrel!
D) Take our very old dog for a very long walk day. He has almost given up saying hello when I come home from the library at 8pm. I owe him.
Best answer?
Dance like Jagger, or Bah Humbug?