FAR Q4 exam experience - Page 8

  • Creator
  • #1643245

    Hi all those who took AFR in Oct,
    Can you please share your exam experiences ,kinda curfew on forum .Curious how the things are in general ?

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  • Author
  • #1677608

    (removed by request of AICPA)


    So not only are you disclosing a question/CPA exam content, but then you have your company/business name in your SIG?
    You some kind of special or what…???



    Lol, This is the worst post I have seen on this forum in regards to exam disclosure.


    Usually _The_Dude_Jeff deletes them.
    He must be busy. I do wish we were allowed to edit our posts.

    I'd retract some things, given the chance-
    or at least clean up my poor grammar half the time.

    Newbie CPA Candidate


    Pretty sure posting exam content after the testing-period is closed is irrelevant?

    BEC - 69, 77, 83
    AUD - 63, 68, 70, 79
    REG - 69, 63, 70
    FAR - 60


    Instead of bashing on me for an idiot you guys could answer the question at least :/


    (Mod Edit – Content)


    (Mod Edit – Content)


    (Mod Edit – Content)


    oo sorry yeah it probably would helped if labeled years.. thanks we are the same page. Tuesday cant get here any faster :/


    So close to score release….I told myself I would keep reviewing FAR until scores came out but I'm so over studying!!!! Please please please let me pass FAR.

    I felt like the exam was not as bad (not bad but not necessarily any easier than other exams) as everyone says, the studying is the most awful part because there is just so much to review.. The MC took me about 35 minutes per testlet and the sims weren't awful but I do wish I had more time to review before my test because I didn't get to go through every chapter a 2nd time. My limited review time was spent studying what I felt would be the most important subjects in FAR but my actual exam was mostly different so if I fail I feel like it would be credited to having an out there exam.

    Also I think I may have to contact the AICPA about one of my sims. I felt like I was missing information but I think I may be past the amount of time to send any inquiries to them.


    Celestial wrote, “Also I think I may have to contact the AICPA about one of my sims. I felt like I was missing information”.

    Similar experience on my exam. The instructions were lacking and the information given was slapdash.
    The info given was enough, if I inferred the super spartan “Here are numbers, go plug” instructions correctly. I would be happiest if that SIM was thrown out, as it would leave me only with one other that I gutterballed by being in a rush and not thinking it through. That gutterballed one should have been easy, and is on heavily tested material. There is no way they throw that one out. If they did, I think I could do one handed backhands or keep on trying (them) until not able to move anymore.

    I'm dreading tomorrow. It is either going to be:

    A) rounding out Top 5 Happiest Days of my Life
    B) depressing funk day that I have to shake off as fast as possible before guests to stay for holidays
    C) !Squirrel!
    D) Take our very old dog for a very long walk day. He has almost given up saying hello when I come home from the library at 8pm. I owe him.

    Best answer?
    Dance like Jagger, or Bah Humbug?

    Newbie CPA Candidate


    Ne'O – I vote A) followed closely by D) and C), in that order. Actually, D) regardless. Here's to not licking our wounds in the corner while visiting family is falala-ing. *clink*


    So I took retook FAR on November 29th of this quarter. Let me know if this is too much in the non-disclosure realm. There was a DRS question where I swear the support amount differed from the amount I was supposed to select in the memo. I'm pretty sure I got it right. Effectively the amount in one of the selections was off by say 40k from what the support provided. I looked through each piece of support multiple times but could not find any place where the 40k was mentioned. I'm pretty sure it was a mistake. Can the AICPA make mistakes on exams?


    @blutoothray maybe it was a pretest? I've heard of those having weird typos and such.

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