FAR Q4 exam experience - Page 5

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  • #1643245

    Hi all those who took AFR in Oct,
    Can you please share your exam experiences ,kinda curfew on forum .Curious how the things are in general ?

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  • #1675088

    @wanna be free

    Idk if I got lucky but I had a TBS that required a JE so I went into the AL and typed in the advance search a few of the key terms inthe question, not only did I see a sample JE, it even showed me how to calculate it.

    On another one I wasn’t bad sure whether certain thing should shld be disclosed or reported so I went to my good friend AL



    This is what I am hoping to be able to do. Not banking on it but it would be nice as reassurance to utilize it.


    I didn’t even think I could do that until last night when I saw someone on here say that’s what they did.


    @another72 ,did you use the key words word “JE” or “Journal Entries ” or just “journal” ?


    I didn’t type journal entry. I just typed the topic and scrolled till I saw a JE.

    But now that I think about it, I bombed 2 TBS.


    @another71 , so those SIMs which you found answers through AL got wrong ?


    No, I think I got those right. It’s the adjusting JE ones. I think I put down too many 0. But I’m not sure if doing 5/8 on sims is good enough.


    Sometimes it says to enter zeros, and other times it says to leave blank. I had both of hose instructions within the same FAR exam so you gotta read the instructions carefully

    BEC - 69, 77, 83
    AUD - 63, 68, 70, 79
    REG - 69, 63, 70
    FAR - 60


    If theses exams are graded by computers, why do we have to wait so long for scores?


    @Another72 Your final score is determined in relation to everyone else who took the exam in the same window. Everyone is graded on a curve. The AICPA plots how everyone did on the exam relative to the difficulty of the questions, etc and then they pick a pass rate, say 48%. Then they draw a line on the plot with 48% of the points on one side and 52% on the other. Anyone who's on the line is given a 75 and so forth. You have to wait until the end of the window for them to get all of the points to properly draw the curve. Why you have to wait between the 10th and the 19th, as we do this window I can't tell you.


    @bluetoothray they just pick a pass rate? That seems awfully arbitrary.


    @itooshallpass From what I understand the “picking” process is effectively kind of like hiring. They look at the number of CPA's they want to have and make a decision based off of that. To be honest I don't “Know” exactly how the process works as they're pretty clandestine about it, but from what I've gleaned during this process I think I just presented the general idea.


    @bluetoothray oh my god. lol



    Holly Sh**. And I thought the pretest sims were unfair. so i guess its a good sign so many people struggled? wow


    From the AICPA Website. why is it so mysterious?

    “The Examination is not curved. Every candidate’s score is entirely independent of other candidates’ Examination results.

    The Examination is a criterion-referenced examination which means that it rests upon pre-determined standards. Every candidate’s performance is measured against established standards to determine whether the candidate has demonstrated the level of knowledge and skills that is represented by the passing score. Every candidate is judged against the same standards, and every score is an independent result.”

    “What scoring method is used to score the Examination?

    The AICPA uses Item Response Theory (IRT) for the objective portion of the Examination. IRT is a well-established psychometric approach to scoring used by licensing and certification examinations that administer many different test forms. IRT scoring ensures that scores and pass or fail decisions based on scores from different Examination forms are comparable. Based on the large amounts of data that are collected in pre-testing, the difficulty level as well as other statistical characteristics of Examination questions are known and taken into account in scoring.”

    “What is the standard setting process that you will conduct in 2017?

    After the close of the Q2 2017 testing window, the Board of Examiners will assemble panels that consist of CPAs with experience supervising the work of newly licensed CPAs. There is one panel of CPAs for each section of the Examination. These CPAs will review test questions and performance data for candidates in the Q2 2017 testing window and approve ratings to recommend a passing score for the Board of Examiners approval.

    Once the passing score for each section is approved, it will remain in place until there are significant changes to the Examination in the future. Prior to the 2017 standard setting process, passing scores were most recently set in 2004 when the Examination was computerized, and again in 2011 following a revision of the Examination.

    After the close of the Q3 and Q4 2017 testing windows, additional data analyses are require for quality assurance and validation purposes.”

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