FAR Q4 exam experience - Page 3

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  • #1643245

    Hi all those who took AFR in Oct,
    Can you please share your exam experiences ,kinda curfew on forum .Curious how the things are in general ?

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  • #1650568

    Hope you passed Bourne. Your experience sounds just like mine last time…BRUTAL


    @Bourne-I felt similarly for REG, and passed with a 77…There is no way to know what you are going to get at all. I think it's supposed to feel like crap coming out of it. Is there anything you would have done differently in your review knowing what you know now? What prep course did you use and are the SIMS in the prep course comparable? If not, what could have prepared you better? Or is it just the DRS format that stinks?



    How much time did you give yourself for the mcq? Also how much for the Sims?

    I'm shooting for 1 to 1.5 hours on mcq and 2.5 hours for sims. I gave myself only 2 hours for Sims last time and it was horrible. I felt so crunched for time that my anxiety paralyzed me.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    @anyatver – Really, nothing I would've done differently. I used Wiley, which was good and bad, Wiley was great for teaching me all of the topics, but the sims weren't the best. I didn't really practice too many sims because I just thought it was almost a waste of time considering Wiley only has about 4 DRS sims. I did enough sims to be somewhat comfortable with them, but there really isn't a good way of preparing for them other than just knowing the material frontward and backward. I also used Ninja MCQ, audio and notes, which I think helped a lot. I feel like the exam was more like the ninja MCQ's than Wiley's MCQ's. In general, DRS's are just brutal. There's just a lot of info to sort through. If you save some time though, they aren't really THAT bad, but still suck.

    @Lentilcounter – I finished both MCQ's in just a couple minutes over 45 mins each. So, I had about 2 hours and 25 mins for the sims. I probably used 45 mins just for the first two sims which really killed me. I had some anxiety on the second set of sims due to wasting so much time on the first set, but kept calm and continued to sift through the info. For the final testlet I had approx. 50 mins, in which I finished about 15 mins early so I just reviewed the last testlet until time ran out.

    I have no idea how I did, I think I'll be more nervous for the results than I was for the test lol


    @Lentilcounter-that's a good plan. I usually aim for about 1 minute per MCQ. Conceptual ones should take like 30 seconds. I am one of those crazy people that don't go back and don't check my MCQs. I found that if I dwell on it, I end up changing the answer to the wrong one. So I usually fly through the MCQ. I finished REG and AUD in 2 hours, passed those. I don't plan on finishing FAR in 2 hours though:)


    @Bourne. Thanks for the feedback.

    Did you go through all of the Ninja questions at least once? What was you average and trending scores? Thanks.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    @anyatver don't be surprised if you have an hour left at the end of FAR. I take tests the same way you do and with FAR sims it's really hard to allocate time evenly over the sim sets. I'm still trying to figure out why we don't get all the sims at the same time anymore. seriously wonder whose bright idea that was.


    No, I didn't do about 250 questions. Average score – 63%, Trending – 71%. Governmental had a heavy weight in dragging those scores down. I did really bad the first couple hundred questions, then really learned a lot from missing them and reading what was wrong. I started increasing my scores dramatically. For the last couple days/week I was getting scores in the 80's. MCQ's are definitely the best way to pick up on the material and make it stick.


    I just took my first exam (FAR) yesterday morning. I finished with an hour left and felt good about the MCQ but dreadful about the sims. Did anyone else get 3 email memorandums? Also is it blatantly obvious when the MCQs get harder? I couldn't tell but felt i did really well on the first set.

    really new to this experience so not sure what to expect in december


    it's not blatantly obvious. you'll see the difference once you start taking more of these. your sim experience seems to be the norm these days. good luck.



    Agreed. Not blatantly obvious. When you have taken the exam 3 times, its not so subtle anymore. Lol.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    @MIsconnie-I think if you are super comfortable with the material it won't be obvious. I could never tell whether my testlets got harder or not. But then again, at the moment, I never analyzed that part of it, just tried to get through it!


    @Bourne I had the exact same experience with yours that even after 13 days of taking the exam, my heart is pounding so hard as I'm reading your posting. I did not look up any problems afterwards though, I don't want to open that Becker review never again until when I have to.


    Yeah I keep peaking at the FAR study thread and then I tell myself you don't need to study this anymore. But I don't know that for sure until I get my score in December. I wish I could just put it all behind me right now.


    Took it again today after getting a 74 on my last try. Was supposed to be my last part. But it looks like I failed again, and will be starting the whole process over again, since I lose credit for BEC tomorrow and AUD in December and will unlikely be able to pass all three before I lose credit for REG.

    Went in. Took more time on the MCQ since that was my weakest point when I first took it in Q2. I'm not sure if it helped. There were some MCQs that I did spot the mistake I would've made if I had tried to speed through the MCQs like I always do. But not enough to make up for the fact that I couldn't finish the Sims this time around (which are usually my strong points). Granted I finished all but 1 and was able to get halfway through the last before the clock timed out. They were all pretty easy but the one I didnt finish was one of the easiest ones. And since I got 3 DRSs (yes 3) I am fairly confident that the sim I couldn't complete was not a pretest.

    Last time I got few GNP questions. This time I had received at least 2x that. Granted I did better on the GNP this time. But overall I think I did worse. As usual for me, the difficulty of questions in the sims did not increase at all. Now I am worried. Now I need to study to pass on the 1st day of Q1 so I can fit one or two more in there.

    But first I will help my guy rescue his princess again and catch up on the Thor comics cuz I cant bring myself to start studying (again) for at least 3 weeks.

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