FAR Q4 exam experience - Page 2

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  • #1643245

    Hi all those who took AFR in Oct,
    Can you please share your exam experiences ,kinda curfew on forum .Curious how the things are in general ?

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  • #1647146

    Had the same exact experience as you Tim. Fingers crossed you did enough to pass. I had over an hour left when I was done with the test. Time management is really hard bc you don't know what to prep and leave time for then of course you can't go back when you have time left. I agree with the gut being right on MCQ and I rarely change my answers. On Far MCQ I got strong.


    Took it today. Those SIMS are ridiculous!!! Seriously no one does this in the real world! I knew all the topics they tested on but between how they asked the questions and the multiple tabs to go thru man it's hard. Multiple choice was not bad at all. Pretty much they test on all the topics in the review…all of them!

    FAR 8/20/15 - Passed 77
    AUD 10/10/15 -


    I'm taking it in 5 days, that's fantastic news lol


    I just took FAR yesterday. When I took my mock exams with Becker I was scoring better on the sims than MCQ, so I tried to focus a lot more on MCQ for the real exam. I flagged a few in the first testlet and a few more than that on the second one, but most questions were straight forward (I think). For the sims, the usual easy giveaway question (the AL search) was actually super weird. I think I can tell which sim was the pre-test, which if it is what I think it is that's good cause I had no idea what I was doing. I had two sims that were similar in topic actually, so hopefully I did that right. Overall it was hard (no surprise) and I have no idea how I did. Now I have to wait until December 19th…

    Good luck to anyone taking it soon!


    @eventualcpa11 what was Becker mock score ? I am asking because I am getting good illusion based on Becker's score.Could you find the research question ? It seems u did solve 2 SIMs from same topic.I guess you can pass.


    I also had 2 sims on the same topic. What are the odds one of them is a pre-test? They weren't exactly hard sims but they also weren't something I expect to get 100% correct so I don't mind one of them not counting.


    @Tim , “but they also weren't something I expect to get 100% correct so I don't mind one of them not counting” super liked .That's the way I think when it comes to SIM.LOL


    Took FAR yesterday, as well.

    The MCQ were relatively straight forward. There might have been two or three which made me shake my head. The first two Sims were frustrating. I hope one of them was pretest because I could not deduce what exactly the examiners wanted out of the material. I literally went into the bathroom and knocked out ten jumping jacks.

    When went back in after the break and the remaining six Sims weren't excruciating. They weren't exactly easy, but at least I could tell what the examiners were asking.

    Good luck to everyone taking this section. Hopefully we all receive passing scores during the holiday season.



    I got a 53 on a mock test months ago before studying then a 70 on one after studying. I didn't pass the first time around, I actually wasn't close either. I got a 72 when I took a mock test after reviewing the last couple weeks. But I got a 77 on sims and 55/60 on MCQs (on the mock tests I got a 70 + 72 on)

    I think the two similar sims were a topic that is always tested, I saw lots of MCQs and a sim on this topic in Q3. I think that completely weird sim should be pretest, I have never seen something like it.



    I studied for FAR in June & July. I got a 53 the first time I took a mock test without reviewing, then got a 70 on the second one after a few days of review. I didn't pass when I took FAR in Q3, and I wasn't really close either. But I rushed I think. I took BEC and had lots of time left so I figured I could do the same with FAR. This time around I made sure to use all the time and I think I had 3 minutes left, but I just chose to give up cause my last sim wasn't a topic I was very confident with. When I took a mock test during my review for the re-take I got a 72. But I was scoring around 77ish on sims (the two I got a 70/72 on) and then between 50-65 on the MCQ

    I was hoping both similar sims were not pretest just cause it is actually a really common topic to appear on the exam. I actually made sure to study that topic a lot in my review. But that one absolutely out of the blue question really needs to be pretest, it didn't have a lot of parts to it and I have never seen something like it (I use Becker for review).


    @eventualcpa11 thanks.It's good you are doing good on SIMs. Normally these mock test give good idea of where you stand but sometimes it's not.


    For those of you who took the exam and have said that the MCQ is relatively straight forward, would you mind me asking what you were trending towards if using Ninja or average if using Becker? I have both and am curious what your benchmark of straight forward translates to. Thanks!


    Is there an easy way to know what number to use to calculate the interest on a note payable? I feel like I am consistently getting questions wrong because in one question it will say Yr 3 interest expense is __________ based on a 5% 2,000,000 note. I will take 5% of the 2,000,000 in one question and then 5% of the 1,250,000 remaining liability in the other. I have no idea how to determine which to do when it doesn't tell you. VERY frustrating.


    @cpa3rd it gets very confusing but it all depends what what they're asking. They can phrase it so many different ways and mix you up. I don't know of any easy way but the questions might ask expense this year, liability yr1, liability yr2, etc. See if you can see a difference in what the questions are.


    Just took FAR this morning. The MCQ's weren't all that bad, some tricky ones and couple I didn't have any idea on. I think the second testlet got a little harder but not by much so not sure how I did on the first set. The sims are just awful, no other way to put it. I think I had 4 DRS's. If I were to guess on which sim was the pretest I couldn't tell ya.

    The first set of sims took waaaay too long so I was in a hurry for the next couple, then caught up and finished with like 15 mins left (used the last 15 mins as a review over the final three sims).

    Overall, I have no idea how I did.I looked up a couple problems afterward and I believe I got them right, but it's too hard to tell how I did. If I had to guess – I failed, but we'll see in December. Time to begin studying for AUD in a couple days. Good luck to everyone taking it this quarter.

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