FAR Q4 2017 – Exam Experience

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  • #1676036

    Took FAR yesterday, December 07, 2017.
    Being a slow number cruncher and FAR test-taker, I always struggle with FAR, hasn’t passed any, even with multiple FAR exams in the past, which I lost count. My highest was 63% in May 2015.

    With yesterday FAR Q4 exam, I sticked to answering each calculation questions with a determination of finishing each question without guessing! I would say, at least 65%+ are number calculation questions. Here’s the breakdown:

    – MCQs Testlet 1 – Right away, I know it was a ‘hard’ testlet. It took me at least an hour to finish Testlet 1.
    – MCQs Testlet 2 – It got harder, to the point, that an hour wasn’t good enough. I toughed it out answering all calculation questions without guessing.
    – SIMs Testlet 3 – Hard, but doable.
    – Break 15 mins: I was down to an hour and 8 minutes when I went for a break.

    – SIMs Testlet 4 – Research (picked the closest). DRS, I had a bit of a problem with this one, and I should have written it in the comment section after my exam (just occurred to me later after the exam). With the DRS, even I answered this SIM, it kept on having this message that ‘I didn’t answer it’. I should have asked one of the Prometric staff to take a look at it. Also, it didn’t show on the tab, that I answered it, even I did.

    So I wasted a valuable minute of my time, but I went to testlet 5 anyway, even with the technical difficulty, hoping that my DRS answer will be counted. I am praying.

    – SIMs Testlet 5 – I was down to 25 minutes. Well, what a big surprise! The questions weren’t that hard, but there’s one SIMs that an Auditor/Accountant will spend at least a few hours or even a day sorting the documents, and doing it well. If you only have 10 minutes, maybe you get a couple points. Just hope you don’t get this SIM on your exam. Serious.

    So, I basically submitted my last testlet with that funny feeling on my stomach, that all the time I spent doing all MCQs for Testlet 1 and Testlet 2, plus some points from my SIMs will pay off, give me that passing mark this time.

    Overall, I used a combination for my study materials for FAR review.
    For MCQs, I did closed to 1200 Ninja MCQs (including redid MCQS), plus 600+ MCQs from older pdf AICPA Newly Released exams and pdf 2014 Becker textbook test bank, about 150+ MCQs+a few TBS, two days before my FAR exam.

    For SIMs, after seeing all the available SIMs Sample Test at the AICPA site, I decided to use my own notes (with many sources on it – especially Ninja). Also, after my BEC and REG exams few days ago, I spent reading my pdf 2014 Becker textbook for two days. Good thing I did, or else, I would felt really lost going to Prometric.

    In closing, the FAR exam that I wrote was the most impossible exam to pass, for a slow number cruncher like me. My advice, I don’t know how you do it, but do your MCQs in less than 1.5hr. or else you already lost the battle. It’s not like the SIMs are impossible to do. They’re doable, but you need a minimum of 2.5-3hrs to feel comfortable leaving Prometric. Also, wish that computer technical difficulty (freezing), doesn’t happened to you. Who knows, it might not be a pre-test, and it might give you that few points to get that passing mark. I am praying.

    We’ll see in Dec 19th. I don’t think future FAR exams can get harder than what they gave me yesterday.

    Good luck!

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  • #1676065



    Punishment continues… 2017 Q4 Results: FAR (57%); BEC (54%) & REG (52%). My AUD was definitely very expensive, from Q2 2016 to Q4 2017, as an International candidate cost me at least $10k+.

    Well, see you on Feb 2018 Prometric. Just hoping this time, you're computer don't freeze. Definitely, find a decent hotel where I can have decent sleep before taking the exam. Likely, one exam at a time.

    Sad fact, either I study or not I always get the 50s!!! Something is not right.

    When does the punishment stop?


    Analyzing my 2017 Q4 FAR Score Report might not accomplish anything for most. But out of curiosity, I have been paying attention to my CPA exam score reports in the last two quarters of my 2017 Q3/Q4 of the new format CPA exams, since April 2017

    For some reason, I didn't get any emailed copy of my score report for FAR 2017 Q3, but I got the FAR 2017 Q4. So here goes.

    Performance Compared to Passing Candidates by by Content Area

    I. Conceptual Framework, Standard-Setting
    and Financial Reporting (25 – 35%) – Weaker
    II. Select Financial Statement Accounts (30 – 40%) – Weaker
    III. Select Transactions (20 – 30%) – Weaker
    IV. State and Local Governments (5 – 15%) – Stronger

    by Item Type
    Multiple Choice (50%) – Comparable

    Comment: This really bothers me, how can I have a ‘comparable' score for MCQs and get a 57% for my 2017 Q4 actual exam result?

    I know I did well right after my exam. It was slow during my first two testlets(MCQs)exam, but I patiently answered all my MCQs, using at least 2hrs+ of my time.

    It was mostly calculations (like my 2017 Q4 REG) that I have to give my used note scratchboard to the Prometric staff, and she gave me another two fresh set of scratchboard.

    Simulations (50%) – Weaker

    Comment: This is somewhat expected since one of my DRS task-based simulations won't load up. I kept getting this error message that I didn't answer the DRS question, which in fact, I did. It was so frustrating, especially, when I was trying to maximize my points.

    I know I did well in the MCQs, but it seems everything just went wrong on my last 15 minutes, sorting documents, and plug-in the answers in 5 mins? When in real life experience I need a new few hours to do it, or a whole day to finish it!

    It's so pointless to complain, but I am just trying to make sense, like everyone else. Due to simulations account for 50%, I didn't expect to pass since I had two or three simulations that were giving me huge problems. Expecting a 65%-70% at the lowest, but not another in the 50s!

    Note: The comparable column is based on those candidates who scored between 75-80 on the
    examination section as a whole. For more information regarding how this comparison was
    calculated or how the examination is scored, please see the CPA Examination web site at
    ~ AICPA

    It's funny, I studied for a couple days in Q3 2017 FAR, and I got a 58%, taken in Nevada! Anyway, the following were my two months of hard work:

    – 2017 Q4 FAR Actual Exam Result: 57%
    Ninja AVE SCORE: 70%
    – Ninja AVE TRENDING SCORE: 100%
    Ninja MCQs Test Bank (including redid MCQs): 1,188
    Becker/Wiley/AICPA MCQs Test Banks: 850+
    – For SIMs: Used Ninja Sniper and 2014 Becker pdf book.
    – Spent 200hrs+ hrs additional review for 2017 FAR Q4.
    – WA Candidate. The exam was taken at Mountlake Terrace Prometric.


    Did I read it right that you took three exams in one quarter? It sounds like you would be much better off focusing on one exam at a time. I know people can and do take multiple exams in testing windows but if you are struggling I would suggest tackling them individually.


    Hey @MrsEarlaRiopel, I agree with Kodiak, focus on 1 test for 2 months then take it. Take a 2 week break while you wait for your score and then start studying for the next one after you've passed. Also, have you tried different test prep programs? Have you used different strategies?

    So far I've passed all 3 I've taken on my first try while working full time as an Accounting Manager for a startup, so I'll share with you my strategy.
    I started studying for AUD on 7/25/2017 and took the exam 09/02/2017. I started studying for BEC on 09/03/2017 and took the exam 10/28/2017 (I had a lot of distractions going on in October so I had to push the test back twice). I started studying for REG on 10/29/2017 and took the exam on 12/09/2017. I passed all 3 using the methods below with an average score of 82.

    I have very good reasons for doing everything in the order that I do. I will not elaborate on why I do it that way unless you specifically ask.

    I use Roger CPA as my main test prep course and Ninja MCQ's/Notes/mobile flashcards as my supplement.
    I plan out how long it will take me to study and be ready for the exam, usually between 4-6 weeks, although I'm planning for 8-10 weeks for FAR.
    First, I watch all of Roger's Lectures (I do not attempt any MCQ's or TBS's until I'm done with all 30-40 hours of lectures). During this time the only questions I attempt are the ones Roger goes over in his lectures with us. It might help you to do 20 or so random MCQ's covering the topics you've already covered at the end of every section just to get a little refresher. Take as many notes as possible while watching the lectures, either e-notes or written, whatever you prefer (research says that writing your notes will help you better remember the material).

    I live in NYC so I do not have to drive to and from work so I spend both my subway rides mastering the Ninja mobile flashcards over this 4-6 week period.

    Once I am completely done with all of Roger's Lectures (which takes around 2-3 weeks, studying 3 hours per weeknight and 16-24 hours each weekend), I then begin to tackle the MCQ's.
    My method for going through the MCQ's is as follows:
    I start with 20 random MCQ's covering 1 section in Roger (who cares if they are repeated questions, this helps you master those topics!). After each 20 question quiz, I then do a 20 question randomized quiz using Ninja MCQ which covers ALL sections. Once I've attempted at least half of the unique Roger MCQ's in a specific section, I move on to the next section and continue doing 20 randomized MCQ's in that section until again, I attempt half of the unique questions. I continue to alternate between 20 Roger section specific questions and 20 random overall Ninja MCQ questions until I've attempted nearly all of the questions in both programs.
    I do not take notes during MCQ's until I have attempted at least half of the questions in each Roger section. Once I've done this I look to see what sections I did poorly on. I start with that section and again do 20 random MCQ's covering only that section in Roger and continue to alternate with the 20 overall random questions in Ninja. This keeps me sharp on the rest of the material while mastering the sections I did poorly on during my first run of questions. At this point I start to take notes after every question if there is material I feel weak on or if I just learned something new that I probably won't remember unless I write it down. All of this should take you another 2-3 weeks. During the last couple days of MCQ's i'm usually averaging between 80's and 95's on all my quizzes, whether they be Roger IPQ's or Ninja MCQ's. This should be more than adequate to pass the actual exam.

    Once I'm done with all MCQ's, I record myself reading aloud all of the notes I took during my MCQ's using an iPhone app. I then spend the final week before my exam listening to my notes every chance I get (during slow times at work, right before bed, and sometimes I fall asleep with my headphones on and listen all night!).

    During this final week before the exam (I take all my actual exams on Saturday's), I spend Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, tackling as many TBS questions as possible in Roger. I use this as a good overall review and to become more familiar with the type of TBS I might encounter on the actual exam. I would probably start out with the sections you performed weaker on or you could just completely randomize it, it's really up to you.

    I use my PTO days to take off from work on Thursday and Friday to review all of my written notes, the Ninja MCQ notes, as well as any material I'm not feeling very confident in. I usually do the AICPA practice test the day before my exam as well.

    I attempt 1 or 2 randomized 20 question quizzes on Ninja the morning before my exam just as a quick refresher and to get me “in the zone” right before my exam. I've heard you shouldn't do any questions the day of or the day before the exam, but hey, it's worked for me so far.

    This strategy has worked for me and if you're looking for a new strategy, it might work for you as well!
    Feel free to contact me with any questions and GOOD LUCK going forward!! Don't EVER give up!!


    am I reading this right…55 attempts?


    @Kodiak and @Claud,

    Thanks for the advice. Yes, I took (4 sections in Q1/Q3 2017=8 sections + 3 sections in Q4 2017 = 11 sections in 2017),

    In Q1 2017, it's more of the case of NTS expiring due to the introduction of the new CPA exam format in April 2017, especially for BEC. I actually thought, I at least passed two sections in Q1. Unfortunately, I got all 4 sections in the 50s (taken in WA, Mountlake Terrace Prometric).

    For Q3 2017, I was curious for the new CPA exam format, so even with hardly any review for REG and BEC (since 2008/2009), I invested a 5k vacation/CPA exam trip to Las Vegas to take all 4 sections.

    In Q3 2017, per section, I only studied my old 2008 Becker books (my Ninja was expired then, except for Ninja notes), so I didn't do any MCQs app. I studied for 2 to 3 days at the most, just to see what's in all 4 sections of the new CPA exam format. So my results were all around 50s for FAR/BEC/REG, these results were expected.

    My Q3 2017 AUD was a wild card. With no calculations in MCQs and AL help in SIMs, the calculations went well. Also, I got at least 2.5 hours+ for SIMs, so no way I will fail Q3 2017 testing window for AUD.

    In my Q4 2017, as a Canadian resident, living 2.5-3hrs away drive to Mountlake Terrace, WA Prometric, I was so excited to take all remaining 3 sections right away.

    So, I spent the whole week in WA, but unfortunately, everything went wrong (again), which made my husband to forbid me from taking anymore exams in Mountlake Terrace, WA.

    Now, I am back to square one. I might take my next exam(s) in another Prometric, besides Mountlake Terrace or any Prometric in WA. Likely, where CPAs were not that many and they are more needed.

    As to review materials, I heard about Rogers, he's good. But, I will be sticking to my latest Ninja Sniper materials and Becker 2014 pdf books. I still got all 4 Becker pdf materials (2014 edition) + the latest 2017/2018 Ninja Sniper packages for the remaining 3 sections. The 2014 Becker materials are still usable, based on my last 2017 Q4 exams.

    Lastly, again, thanks for your advice, very much appreciated. Goodluck you two, you're so close of becoming CPAs.


    While I do think that maximizing the number of retakes is more effective because the exams are so unpredictable, taking them all in the same week is pretty much suicide imo. If you spaced them out to one a month instead, that should give you enough time to prepare for each one.


    I am bumping this post because I am very curious to know how you motivated yourself to sit for the exam 55 times? Or am I reading this incorrectly?

    I passed FAR in Q4, which was my second time taking it. The first time I studied for 8 weeks doing all the Becker work except I didn't do all the sims because there were so many. I wasn't even close when I failed the first time. When I was studying for my retake I went through every chapter and did the pre-tests. If my score was 75 or higher I didn’t study that material. If it was between 60 and 74 I did some light MCQ and light review. If I did worse than 60 I really studied the material over and over unless I was sure it was an insignificant chapter.

    It worked out for me because I passed, but I think I just got lucky to be honest.


    You need to study minimum 150 hours each for FAR & REG. 130 hours each for AUD & BEC. You should be doing over 3,000 mcq for FAR & REG. 2,500 for AUD and BEC. I would not do more than 2 exams per testing window. I would also try to pass FAR first or asap. I think you need to study much more than you think you need too.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    Taking three exams in one window is pretty difficult especially if you're taking them all within a few days of each other. Maybe you can spread out your exams a bit. If you are still set on taking all three at once, maybe you can spread out the exams a little bit instead of taking them all in one week. Perhaps one in the first week of the window, another in three weeks, and another in three weeks after that.

    Passing more than one exam per window is definitely doable. I passed my last two exams (REG and FAR) back to back on the same day. I was in the Prometric testing site at 8am and didn't leave until about 6:30pm. I never thought I would be able to do it but somehow I managed to pull it off.

    Your signature is pretty lengthy so I'm rootin' for ya to knock this beast out for good!

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    When I was taking a CPA review course a while back they revealed people pass 1.7 parts a window on average. Slow down. Most people can only take two. Many can only take 1.

    Two a window worked best for me and I only ever failed FAR once.


    I strongly discourage you from using 2014 materials. Those little details can make or break a pass. Unless you are going through the Ninja materials and updating all the changes in your Becker books, you're running the risk of losing points to changes and there's going to be even far more drastic changes in 2018. I'd say study just the Ninja materials and dump the outdated Becker books.


    Hi All,

    Thank you for all the comments, and valued advice. I sure appreciate them. Just hoping, I am not scaring anyone with my ‘real CPA exam experience', not my intention. Of course, I owe you an explanation.

    My US CPA exam/accounting career has always been a secondary priority in my life, family always comes first. It's more like a treat, taking an exam once a year, during our vacation.

    Ambitious to get a US CPA designation, but not putting the time to study. And when I studied, I was most unfortunate. Also, I am not a very good test-taker either.

    However, this last two years, I have been putting more time and investing in it. My US CPA exam timeline:

    2016 – 2017: FAR 4x; REG 3x; BEC 3x; AUD 3x = 13 sections
    2011 – 2015: FAR 6x; AUD 1x = 7 sections
    2005 – 2010: FAR(FARE) = 4x; REG(ARE) = 3x; BEC(BLaw) = 4x; AUD = 2x = 13 sections
    1998 – 2004: FARE/ARE/BLaw/AUD: 7×4 = 28 sections

    As to my bio, here's a related link: https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/topic/wanting-to-apply-to-a-new-state-board-of-accountancy-any-suggestion/

    Likely, I might take a section or two in an exam window, during my next vacation. Sadly, it won't be nearby.

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