FAR Q3 – Any chance I passed?

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  • #1600899
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    Well. I studied for FAR for 8 weeks. It was my first exam and I took it july 11th. but I really just think I did awful on it. Especially now that sims are 50% of the exam I think I have 0 chance of passing.

    MCQs were not bad overall. Still had to flag some in both testlets. Thing that worries me is that I can’t say if the entire testlet 2 got harder. Definitely still some short easy ones mixed in there.

    But the sims….WOW. I think i got the Research sim right, the one where you enter in the AL code. But the rest I practically guessed on, put 0s in etc. I could not believe what they expected people to do. If other people struggled on those sims on the same day I took it does that mean I could still pass if a lot of people didn’t do good with them?

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  • #1600917

    I'm in exactly the same boat. I took it on May 10th and still awaiting my score release, which is in two days! I thought the same thing! Glad I'm not the only one… best of luck to you!


    If it's any consolation, I actually cried once I got to my car after walking out of the FAR exam. I felt completely destroyed by MCQ and SIMS…especially the SIMS. I guessed a lot on the SIMS and ended up putting zeros for a lot of the answers because I was rushed for time. I thought there was no way I passed. I ended up getting a 79. Long story short, you can't base whether you passed or failed on how you feel. You may be pleasantly surprised come score release.

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    @ohmss: You probably did fine. relax, bite your nails, and wait for the results. Stay fresh studying in case of a rematch.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

    Ralphie Dos Nachos



    I can tell you something positive or I could tell you something negative, but that's not going to change the outcome of your score. Just try to grind it out and worry about Audit. At least you didn't find out you failed then you have to take Audit and have to worry about taking FAR over again. I will say a few things though. Many people think they didn't pass and end up passing. You said the MCQ questions were not bad and you think you got the research question right. If I remember correctly there was at least one FAR simulation that I pretty much just guessed and put zero for everything just so I could possibly get some partial points.

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    i practically guessed on all of them though, damn


    @OHMISS Don't count yourself out just yet!

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    thank you for encouragement guys


    I feel the same way, I took FAR on 7/19 and not confident I passed, I could easily see it going either way. In the mean time I am studying FAR again just in case because AUD expried on 7/31, and if I did fail FAR I have to get AUD and FAR in before 11/29.

    If I fail, then I'll be ahead of the game with the pre-studying. But if I passed it I am done with all 4, so that will be an easy pill to swallow that I “Wasted” time studying.

    Can't believe its still more than a month away from score release.

    AUD - 92
    BEC - 79
    REG - August
    FAR - TBD

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    hope you pass tskits!


    Thanks @OHMSS I hope you do as well!

    AUD - 92
    BEC - 79
    REG - August
    FAR - TBD

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    bump 🙂


    I am wondering if the board is looking at the 5th testlet results and seeing that the % of questions right is terrible….. my experience was somewhat the same but it could go either way. I had 25 minutes to do 3 sims in which had like 5 documents in each sim, so i took my best shot, especially for one of them which i literally just entered accounts names to get some sort of credit. My 2nd MCQ testlet in my opinion was definitely harder than the 1st one. who knows i kind of felt the same with REG and passed with a 76(barely) but im not so sure about this one. i could just be over analyzing like ive done after every exam thus far.

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