FAR – New Exam Tips

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  • #1558015

    I am taking FAR tomorrow and then playing the waiting game for a few months. Hopefully this is the last time I have to take a CPA EVER! I attempted FAR at the very end of Q1 since I had a couple of weeks after passing REG to take a shot in the dark at it. I came short a few points which was a major bummer given the new exam release in Q2 and the extended score release time.

    Can anyone shed some light on their experience with the new exam format? Does it feel THAT different from the prior format? I mean at the end of the day there’s multiple choice questions and sims, same as always.

    I’m trying not to psyche myself out but in the past its been nice going in there knowing what to expect, and now that familiarity seems a bit lost…

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  • #1558027

    I am right there with you @lou1588. Took in Q1 and just came up short a few points. I haven't really changed the way I studied for my exam tomorrow but did read the CPA Exam Blueprints to get a feel on the areas they could test more frequently in. Overall, I don't think it will be significantly different from old format but I could be wrong. Just preparing myself for longer DRS SIMS and making sure to allocate my time properly on each tesstlet,


    Nothing has changed much except the format of the exam and you're pretty much guarantee gonna get sims with supporting docs whether you like it or not.


    Has anyone tried the second mock becker exam? I think its so much harder than the first…


    My advice, really be aware of your time. I felt all the practice exams I did in Roger were easy and you sort of get used to the material when you are answering upwards of 3,000 questions between ninja and roger. So going into FAR I didn't really worry about the time nor did I put 2 and 2 together of how different it is not being able to see all the TBS questions at the same time like I was able to with REG back in January. That was the only shocker for me even though it was something we already knew.

    If you take your break don't forget to write your launch code on your new ‘whiteboard' otherwise you'll have to go to your locker and get your code. You need it to get back in after the break.

    I had never taken FAR before my test date but I felt it was straight forward. Some of the MCQs were far more involved than the prep software. I felt it was Gov and NPO heavy but not hard. The TBS questions were straight forward. A couple were sort of a mess to keep track of all the supporting information as the test software is still pretty ghetto. But I mean if you studied and did MCQs till your eyes bleed you won't have an issue. I felt it was far easier and more clear than BEC to be honest. You'll be fine.


    Does anyone have recommendations for the breakdown of testiest/time? I HATE that we don't see all the sims at once..grrrr.


    If you can keep your MCQ time to around an hour to 90 min that would be best. Save as much time for sims as possible because there is a lot of reading and supporting documents to use.

    FAR: 66, 75
    AUD: 67, 69, 70, 74, 74
    REG: 71, 79
    BEC: 73


    Thanks Tony! Also just found this in another post which thought was helpful.

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