FAR just annihilated me- WOW

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  • #200074

    I have no words….


    REG: 80

    FAR: who the heck knows…(score release on 2/23)

    REG: 80
    FAR: 78 (x2)
    AUD: 6/10
    BEC: 7/20

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  • #758063

    I know that these words are not much of help to you now but you never know. I know that I completed bombed a SIM, was never sure of my answers to both research questions, was unsure of the answers I gave on three SIMS and still passed. If your testlets got harder that is a good sign. Hope you passed good luck!

    I know the feeling that is why I replied.


    Cortes123 Thanks for the kind words. I hope I come out of this one.

    Good luck to you on BEC as well!

    REG: 80
    FAR: 78 (x2)
    AUD: 6/10
    BEC: 7/20


    I left FAR fully expecting to fail and possibly throwing up. Got an 84. Let the good people at the AICPA grade it for you!


    I Hope this is the case for me too! this is my last exam praying that the AICPA gods help me i just want to be done!


    I am waiting on my results and feel the same. But since a 75 on the test does not mean you got 75% of the questions right so we could be in for a surprise.


    I am waiting on my results and feel the same. But since a 75 on the test does not mean you got 75% of the questions right so we could be in for a surprise.


    “I have no words….


    hahaha that's crackin me up

    I'm gonna find out I failed BEC on the 23rd so don't feel too bad.

    AUD 93 Jan 16
    BEC 83 Feb 16
    FAR 83 Apr 16
    REG 84 May 16

    99% Ninja MCQ only


    I've felt annihilated on EVERY exam. Walked out and cried in the parking lot for one. Came up with every reason possible as to why it was impossible for me to pass…and so far my scores have been 83,86,98. I felt no better when I walked out of the exam I scored a 98 on vs. the 83. And the 86 I 100% “knew” that I failed.

    Moral of the story….dont be so sure you failed! Good luck with score release!

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!


    I know the feeling. I took FAR a week ago today. I think I did alright on the Sims, but the MCQs were easier the 2nd and 3rd testlet, so that's how I know lol.

    I just feel like FAR is impossible. I want to second guess every question I put down.

    REG - ('11) 71, ('12) 71 - Becker
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    FAR - ('16) 54 - Becker


    I took FAR on Saturday also and felt good going into the SIMS and once i saw them i wanted to just get up and walk out because i didn't think me trying them would make any difference.

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016


    @kyle.brown same… 🙁

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    We can only hope we have done all we could now we just wait…

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016


    FAR is a monster, but if it makes you feel any better – I thought I passed when I failed, and swore I failed when I passed. Actually have felt that way for both exams so far. So you never know, just wait it out.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    I truly have no idea what to expect. I dont feel good or bad about the test i took. Was able to knock a lot of questions down to 50/50 so IDK where I stand. Would feel better if I knew I got the answers right.


    @ Everybody, I am waiting on my score here as well! Took my 2nd attempt to FAR on 02/02. The first time I left the testing center almost in tears because I knew I was not going to pass, did not have time to finish the SIMS and left one completely blank and got a 74. This time, I felt like some of the MCQs were pretty out of no where, I did not go back and check the ones I flagged because usually my first instinct is better than my second guess. I had 1 hour and 45 mints for the SIMS, they were 100% different than the ones on the last exam. I was able to finish all of them but I do not know if they are right. I took me a while to find the research question, I used the AL for some of the ones I was not sure about, but still very nervous since it is my last exam and will lose REG if I do not pass! I am freaking out today knowing that the scores will be release next week!!
    FAR: 74/ Feb 2, waiting

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