FAR is killing me! - Page 2

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  • #188545

    Hello Everybody,

    So I have AUD, BEC, and REG passed. I just took FAR but failed it with a 56. I studied so much for it, but ended up coming out of the exam knowing that I failed. I took way too long to answer the MC questions and had no clue what to do in the simulations portion.

    I’m guessing I probably failed it because of the sims…How would you guys recommend I study for the sims? Focus on journal entries?

    I retake FAR on October 7, and it is my last shot before I lose credit for REG (October 8). With governmental busy season here I’m going nuts!!

    BEC - 75
    AUD - 77
    REG - 85
    FAR - 78

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  • #636073

    Just remember that the breaks will take AT LEAST 5 min each, depending on where the restrooms are located, how slow the staff are to check you in/out, and any procedures necessary in order to access the locker.

    Big 4 Audit Manager from Europe here to pass the CPA in the U.S. of A in 2014! Niiice!

    AUD - 95 / Jul 15 / 130h over 4 weeks
    FAR - 86 / Aug 14 / 240h over 4 weeks
    (11 week break)

    REG - 81 / Nov 14 / 200h over 4 weeks
    BEC - 87 / Nov 17 / 30 h over 2.5 days


    I passed FAR! Finally done with the CPA exam. Thank you guys for all the advice!

    BEC - 75
    AUD - 77
    REG - 85
    FAR - 78


    Congrats! Now what did you different this time. So awesome.


    Congrats! I still made a 61 on my second attempt. Simulations killed me!

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