Far Experience- just walked out.

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  • #192392

    To start off, I used Becker. I’ve passed Aud, Reg, & Bec all on the first try. About 3 weeks dedicated to study (2-3 hrs/day at first, 4-5 hrs/day in the last week). I was scoring in the 60’s for the becker final and I usually score 20-25 pts higher on the exam so I felt decent walking in.

    MCs on the exam were not bad. The first three testlets covered a nice range of material but nothing too challenging or in depth. The second testlet definitely got harder so I knew I was on track. Not sure about the third.

    I had a little more than 1 hr on the TBS and got absolutely murdered. The TBS was way more in depth and complex then the MCs, which hadn’t been in line with my experiences with the exam so far. Sophisticated material, dense fact patterns. It took me 5 minutes just to get my bearings on each question before I could move forward. Some were easier than others but none were easy. I ended up running out of time. Answered 0’s on about half of the Sims and walked out beat up. I underestimated the Far Sims. I needed more time. I needed to keep moving. Both of which I neglected to do.


    1. Budget your time. I think 1.5 hrs is at least the amt of time you would need to finish the TBS. More is better.

    2. Preview Sims. Click on each sim to get an idea of whats in front of you and attack the ones you can answer. Maybe get the research out of the way first.

    3. Keep moving. Don’t go back and forth, you will run out of time.

    4. You must know JE’s!

    5. One of my TBS’s was so out in left field that I was sure it was the throw-away. I’m not sure if that helps but I’ve heard of people not attempting to answers certain Sims and still passing.

    6. Things you need to know like the back of your hand- Stmt of Cash Flows, Depreciation, Inventory, Receivables, Fixed Assets, Govt & NFP, Leases.

    Good luck guys. I hope it goes better for you than it did for me. Back to the books…

    Reg - 85 11/06/14
    Aud - 89 11/24/15
    Bec - 76 12/10/14
    Far - 84 05/27/15

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  • #656293

    Yeah I had 2 hours for my SIMS and used all of the time. They were quite complex.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    The FAR sim difficulty I think varies if you take the exam more than once. I had to retake it twice, and on the third attempt the sims seemed much easier. Maybe this was because of all the studying I did, but some of it is luck too depending on the types of questions you get. The third time, I was able to research several of the answers, while on the first two attempts trying to research answers was just a waste of time.

    BEC - 84 (4/13/2013)
    REG - 82 (10/17/2013)
    AUD - 85 (12/5/2013)
    FAR - 75 (10/11/2014)


    Thank you for your tips! On my prior tests I have done well on the sims, but I'll make sure to budget extra time for FAR just in case. I appreciate it, and good luck!

    Exam:I'm done 🙂 🙂 🙂
    REG - 71 (2/22/14); 67 (4/3/14); 74 (8/29/15); 83 (2/29/16)!!!
    BEC - 72 (5/24/14); 85 (1/3/15)!!!!
    AUD - 72 (8/23/14); 76 (10/15/14)!!!
    FAR - 77 (5/26/15)!!!

    Started in 2013 using Kaplan and failed REG, REG, BEC, AUD. Switched to NINJA suite in Sept 2014 and passed AUD...then BEC...then FAR!
    REG took 2 tries but I finally got it in too!
    I'm a hard convert - Using NINJA method with NINJA video/book/notes/MCQ

    Education: Check
    Experience: 3 months left! I hit 4 years on May 30 🙂


    Agreed. Budget time for FAR for the SIMS.

    I had around an 1 hour and 45 minutes to do the SIMS. I ended up using all of my time as well but that was mostly due to one problem I spent 30 minutes on and still never really figured it out. I understood what I was supposed to do but was confused on the application. I even found an example in the research materially that greatly helped my understanding and if I had more time I may have been able to wrap my brain around calculating everything out correctly.

    I'd also say practice SIMS more so than you would with other parts. Seemed to help me out.


    I just bought a review course and I am looking at the contents of FAR. MOTHER F..

    Far looks like a BITCH of a test. I'm doing BEC first


    I am a Becker student as well and sometimes I have no clue how to construct my answer. J/E's are straight forward but some of the other styles of problems leave me scratching my head as I know the material, just not the answer format. It is frustrating.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    You must know GV/NFP and IFRS inside out if you want to pass this beast!!!

    Becker self-study, Wiley Test Bank and books, Becker final review. NINJA MCQ bank and NINJA notes for BEC only!



    JJJSFL – I had literally the same exam experience as you. Simulations were an absolute killer. I had about 1hr 15mins left to complete them, which definitely is not enough time. The sims were long and convoluted and I ran out of time. I had to fill in random answers for about 3 sims just to not leave them blank. I left the exam feeling so defeated especially considering the fact I took 4 days off prior to cram. Just found out this morning that I somehow passed with a 79 so don't lose hope people. Know your journal entries inside out no matter how small the topic in becker.


    The standard is 15 min per Sim. If you screwed up and are behind schedule, look for the most convoluted sim (usually with multiple tabs) and ignore it (or answer all zeros just to be on the safe side). With a little luck, you will have chosen correctly and you will have skipped the test question.

    FAR- 82
    REG- 93
    AUD- 89
    BEC- 88

    You are smarter, more focused, and more brilliant than you give yourself credit for. Believe in yourself and truly know in your heart that you can do it.


    To ridiqls –

    I know everyone has a different approach, but because you can see how much info is in FAR, I recommend that you work on it first because the 18 month window does not start until you pass the first test.

    It took me the longest time to learn FAR, and I did it first, so I'm very glad that time did not eat up my 18 month window.

    I could not have flown through FAR the way I did with the others.

    WAYYY too much information.

    that's just my 2 cents.

    FAR - 86 - 2/27/14
    AUD - 75 - 5/29/14
    BEC - 80 - 8/31/14
    REG - 89 - 2/27/15
    Praise Jesus! I'm done!!

    Study resources:
    Wiley test bank


    @ridiqls, I agree with Tux. I would save BEC for last or after a failed test and I definitely wouldn't begin with it. I failed FAR and then immediately passed BEC and it was a real confidence booster when you have to go back and tackle material for a second time. I would start with REG or AUD if you're nervous to start with FAR.

    AUD 80
    REG 76
    FAR 1/2015 - 73, 5/2015 - 72, 7/2015 - 76!
    BEC 81

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