FAR experience

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  • #3259059

    Hey guys, so today I took the FAR, my last exam to go. I thought I did good for the MCQ part, and 4 out of 8 sims, I thought I did good as well. However, the other 4 sims, they were so overwhelming, they were very very calculation heavy, and in almost all 4 them I did terrible, almost 0. The 2nd sim in the first sims testlet and all 3 of the 2nd testlet was just brutal n I was so completely shocked. I practiced similar sims and I know how to do them but I ended up not being able to do anything on those 4. I guess my question is, has anyone even experienced something similar? Could it be that those 4 sims, hopefully one not counting, were also disastrous for most people that they r given less weight? Darn!!! How was I supposed to go thru 8-9 documents for 10-12 reconciliations/adjustments for 4 of those sims in that short period of time!!!

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  • #3259209

    If you did well on the MCQ and half the sims there is a good chance you passed. I'm scheduled to take FAR next month. What areas do you think are most important to focus on during the final review stage. I know everyone for the most part points to Non for Profit and Government.


    Hey thanks, yes NFP n government are heavily tested in the MCQ, mostly theory based. Know funds-type well and how how donations are accounted for, lease payments treatment I.e int and principle payment. Foreign currency exchange rate gain/loss and off-course journal entries. Questions are very similar to what’s on AICPA, not too wordy at all. The MCQs test you to see if u understand the material. Know consolidation entries, trial adjustments, SCF and again JE!! Good luck


    When I took FAR I thought I bombed the sims and I ended up passing with a 75. There's definitely a chance you could still pass!


    @ Simone, like how many questions in SIMS for FAR did you feel that did not go well? Also, how was your experience with MCQ for FAR?


    I can't remember specifically how many sims I thought I knew versus didn't, but I didn't feel super great on multiple choice either, which is why I was sure I failed! It's stressful waiting for your score, but I hope you did well! Just took AUD for the second time. It's my last exam so I'm hoping I find out next week that I passed!



    future CPA 1985

    Where Can I find the AICPA released questions?

    Can anyone share the link pls?


    future CPA 1985

    I had my FAR exam yesterday. It was brutal. Guys who are taking the exam Pease study revenue recognition, inventory reconciliation, brs thoroughly for task based.

    As everyone said NFP and Govt accounting are tested mostly in mcq.

    Im planning to start preparing again from Sunday. No point in waiting for the results 😭

    A the best


    What review course did you use?


    I hope you passed! I'm studying for FAR with Roger and using Roger Test Bank. I have Gleim as well but I'm so overwhelmed by Gleim and the difficulty of those questions. Which review course did you use?

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