FAR Experience

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by MO.
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  • #2167327

    I thought I’d put my assessment of FAR on here for someone to tell me I definitely failed lol. Let me begin by saying I didn’t feel well prepared for the MC I got. I tried to learn everything in my review but I figured out I need to know a lot about only a few topics (on this exam). This is difficult because the time it takes to familiarize with all the material leaves less time to dive into the concentration areas on the exam. It truly revealed where I need to study more. As for the exam…. I’d imagine I got somewhere between 42-48 out of the 66 MC correct. On the Sims I felt confident in 3, shaky on 3, and clueless on 2. I’m preparing for a retake, I just don’t see how that’ll be enough.

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  • #2167765

    When I took FAR I felt I crushed the MC's but felt the same way as you on the Sims; I felt confident in 3, shaky on 3, and clueless on 2. I thought I was going to squeak by but I got a 91. So, I think it could go either way. Just relax and try to prepare yourself for either outcome. As I heard a tax client once say, “If I get a big refund I am going to the bar to celebrate, if I end up owing I am going to go the bar to drown my sorrows, either way I am going drinking.”


    @MO Hello! Are you able to share what topics were heavily tested?

    Thank you!


    Sam… That's encouraging. KG… I was surprised by what I didn't see on the exam as much as what I did. I know every test is different. Everyone mentions government is covered heavy and that was true in my experience. I didn't study PBO, OCI, and currency as much as I should've.


    MO… thank you!! I plan on taking FAR last, but I'm already freaking out about it. I'm just covering government now and I hate it, LOL.

    Thanks, again! (I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!)


    Thanks. I hated government too. I was hoping to get by with general knowledge but that's not an area to skimp. I felt like I knew NFP better but definitely got more government. AUD was easier for me because the material is about 2/3 of FAR. Keep in mind it will be different for everyone but it sounds like NFP and government are definites. I had nothing related to bonds in MC or Sims. Strange.

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