FAR Experience – 2/26 - Page 2

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  • #1719842
    Fratty Redneck

    Walked into FAR feeling cautiously optimistic. The first testlet wasn’t bad, I’d say I flagged maybe 3-4. The second testlet was harder and I’d say I flagged 7-8. I still feel like I did pretty well altogether on the M/C. I’ve taken a form of the CPA exam now 8 times and I feel best about these MCQ I saw today. Having said that, there was a good bit of a certain topic that is only 5-15% of the test. Those questions were and will always be a challenge for me.

    Then the sims came…the first testlet wasn’t bad, just information overload. I still think I managed to get through both pretty unscathed. The second testlet…not so much. I got the research pretty quickly but the other 2 were tough sledding. One of the 2 was a NFP sim so I’m hopeful that was pre-test. Sim testlet 3 wasn’t bad, and I feel like I probably got around 80%, if not more.

    Overall, I’m not sure how to feel about it. I felt ok with the exception of the second SIM testlet. I also could have done been way off base on some of the MCQ I suppose.

    We will find out in 10 days or so. Good luck to everyone sitting soon.

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  • Author
  • #1722601

    I had one maybe 2 MCQ of Pension on my last take. Not many on my previous one either. I would still work on the topic just in case.


    I would get pensions down. Check out the blueprints..

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