Far exam sims issues

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  • #188334
    pia ach

    So I gave my far on Saturday and in the sims questions I had a very frustrating time ..I had sims wherein I had to select the accounts from the drop down menu..so there were few lines and on the right hand side you got to put the amounts..my issue was once I select few accounts there was no way to unselect it.. There were 4 lines and I selected4 accounts , but later on I realized they had asked for the net entry..so I needed basically to put in only 2 accounts one dr and the other credit…however since I had initially selected 4 account titles there was no way to delete the two extra accounts.. It was very very frustrating and nerve wrecking.. So for such entries I ended up selecting no entry required in those lines instead of say inventory account which I had selected initially… I am so scared now I will get no credits for such answers…

    Then in another sim I had to go to the next tab n there were a list of items, I needed to put those items in the first page under their relevant place by picking them from a drop down menu,,but one of the item was not at all listed in the drop down menu in the first page,,,

    I was totally nervous and it really made me loose my mind…has anyone else had such issues? Should I mail NASBA? Please suggest..

    Finally done!!! Experience-pending. Ethics- Pending.
    Reg 78 / 73/82.
    Aud 74/89.
    BEC 72 /78.
    FAR 74/ 73/ 82.

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  • #596122

    backspace to get rid of the one account you didnt want. i had the same problem

    pia ach

    I think I did that.. Or did I?? I am totally blank now 🙁

    Finally done!!! Experience-pending. Ethics- Pending.
    Reg 78 / 73/82.
    Aud 74/89.
    BEC 72 /78.
    FAR 74/ 73/ 82.

    pia ach

    It went horribly wrong for me …my Mcq's went from medium to easy to wtf they can't ask me this easy..n sims I had these issues , I totally lost it ..i will give far early October and I lost reg cuz of this disaster ..i feel miserable I don't know how to pass far n losing reg is so heartbreaking ..I want this to b over..just want to sulk sulk n sulk some more..if only I had got 1 more mark in May i would have been done n now I am back to 2 more to go..

    Finally done!!! Experience-pending. Ethics- Pending.
    Reg 78 / 73/82.
    Aud 74/89.
    BEC 72 /78.
    FAR 74/ 73/ 82.


    hey, you never know. maybe you will be surprised on score release day.

    i cant event ell how my mcq went.

    pia ach

    I really hope you didn't notice the change in difficulty because you were so well prepared and knew everything Your explanations in the group were always spot on !

    Finally done!!! Experience-pending. Ethics- Pending.
    Reg 78 / 73/82.
    Aud 74/89.
    BEC 72 /78.
    FAR 74/ 73/ 82.


    yeah hopefully. my sims werent too bad. and judging from your explanation above, we may have had the same sims

    pia ach

    Hmmm…my sims looked so easy since most of them were drop down menus, but When I read them it was nothing what I saw in wtb..I will switch to Becker ques since everyone says thAts closest to the exam..wtb is too easy..had 92% Overall score ..n will buy ninja .. You bought ninja for far? Did you find them helpful?

    Finally done!!! Experience-pending. Ethics- Pending.
    Reg 78 / 73/82.
    Aud 74/89.
    BEC 72 /78.
    FAR 74/ 73/ 82.


    yeah they were really good especially for the price.most of my sims were drop down menus- if any at all


    delete key deletes account names

    doing what you did won't cause you to get no credit on the question. at worst, you'll get 1 part wrong. at best, I believe you don't lose points for wrong answers on sims, so if you got 100% of the sim right and you put an extra account, you'd still get 100% because the “wrong” answer just isn't counted. I'm not ENTIRELY sure about that, but I do think that is how it works.

    pia ach

    @dragnets after my correct entry for the other two lines I put no entry required… I feel the software might pick that n give me no credit… I sent an email to NASBA I don't know what else to do…

    Finally done!!! Experience-pending. Ethics- Pending.
    Reg 78 / 73/82.
    Aud 74/89.
    BEC 72 /78.
    FAR 74/ 73/ 82.

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