FAR Exam Experience

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  • #1734105

    I took FAR last week after a miserable failure on my first attempt. Really don’t know what to make of it. Came out feeling like I got hit by a bus. My first testlet seemed straightforward but so did the second testlet which makes me nervous. Since a big part of my fail last time was my time management, I tried to stick to my self-allotted time slots this time. The sims seemed somewhat doable or at least I knew what they were asking for. However, by the time I got to my last testlet, which had my research SIM, my screen froze for a few minutes and then went blank. I went to fetch the prometric staff – they restarted the computer but this happened like 5 times during my test. I was so frustrated and overwhelmed by this point I really had no time to finish so I filled the research testlet with whatever results came up first and then populated the other two testlets so they weren’t blank. I don’t know if I have a chance to pass. I wrote about my experience in the survey at the end and the Prometric staff also said they have submitted a report to NASBA – don’t know if I can do anything else now than just sit and wait for the score release.

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  • #1734122

    Hopefully, you'll get a passing score on 3/20/17..Until then, just try to put your mind at ease. I also took FAR 10 days ago, so studying for AUD while waiting for the FAR score is definitely not fun, but at this point, our fates are already decided. Just hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    *As for your prometric incident, I hope they can let you re-take the exam for free. Sorry that happened to you during the exam.


    Thanks, Big4BeanCounter. FAR was my last part so having nothing else to study for is giving me even more time to be anxious. If I don't pass, I will lose credit for BEC and that is making me super nervous. I hope good luck is in our favor.


    @SchruteBeet First of all, love the username/avatar combo.

    More importantly, if you fail FAR, try to get an extension for your BEC credit! Even if you aren't able to re-test for free, the VERY least they could do is give you an extension. It seems like they do it for candidates affected by adverse weather, and this was also a hindrance on your ability to test.


    Thanks @kittenpants. I like your advice of requesting an extension – I am definitely going to look into that.


    Did Prometric give you anything pertaining to the report they filed?

    If they did, reach out to the AICPA and ask what needs to be done.

    Most likely you will need to write a letter and email to them for review. Be as specific as you can about the issue and what was done and by whom. They will see everything in the test video too.

    Upon reviewing your exam and video of your exam, they will probably give you a free NTS to retake if need to retake based on your score.

    If you don’t notify them yourself, this may not be made available due to the amount of candidates they have each day taking the CPA exam.

    Please reach out to them for a remedy as it wasn’t your fault you had a pc problem, but Prometric.

    See what happens if you are concerned as AICPA will look into each problem on a case by case basis.


    Hey guys, so I failed by 3 points. I got a 72 and I am so mad I could have done better and passed had the glitch not occurred. I have sent an email to NASBA and since I am in IL, I have cc'd my Board too. Is there any number I should be calling to speed up this process for requesting an extension? I want to retake the exam as soon as I can but currently the system shows my BEC score has expired. I really need this extension.


    I'm sure there is a number on the website to call. I agree with making verbal contact to get some clear answers.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Schrutebeet, sorry about your 72 for FAR. You seemed to be well prepared for FAR but your bad experience at the testing center appeared to be the biggest factor why you missed those most needed 3 points.

    When is your BEC expiring? Before calling your State Board, prepare your letter request in advance so you’d be ready to email your State Board Coordinator. Cite valid reasons why you’re asking for an extension of your BEC grade.


    Hi @Amor, my BEC expired on March 7. I have already drafted and sent an email to the state board as well as NASBA. I am just panicking because I don't want to waste anymore time and do the retake ASAP. I have informed the state about my experience and asked that they contact the prometric staff or look at my test video. I just don't know what else to do besides wait for it to be 8:30 so I can call the office and talk to them.


    It’s vital that candidates submit their request for reinstatement before the grade expires. All you have to do now is follow up.

    I hope you’ll get these issues resolved. Take it easy.
    We’ll all get there!


    @ShruteBeet-I am so sorry this happened….totally sucks…


    @amor @anyatver Thanks. I spoke to my Board and they asked me to wait till NASBA responds. Does anyone know how soon I can expect a response from them? I have left my international phone number in the email. How do they prefer to contact you?

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