FAR Exam Experience

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  • #1325345

    So I took FAR today and I’m not sure what to think. I believe I did well on the first testlet because the 2nd testlet got harder. I did not feel confident on the 2nd testlet at all. 3rd testlet seemed more “medium” instead of “difficult” and I feel like that one could go either way. I feel confident on the sims though. I think I did well on all 7 of them. I’m just not sure how to feel on the exam overall? Has anyone seemingly received a medium third testlet and still passed?

    AUD 8/18/16
    FAR 11/16
    BEC 1/17
    REG 2/17

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  • #1325407

    You're worried about failing despite doing well on ALL 7 sims???!!!

    My advise is the same to everyone – move on with your life. What's done is done. Thinking about what type of testlet difficulty you had is not worth your time. All you have to do is look at the AICPA Sample released questions – do you really see that much of a difference between the Medium and Hard questions?


    Sounds like a straightforward pass to me. Time to focus on the next one.


    I know it sounds silly but I guess it shows my lack of confidence on the mcq part. I'm not going to worry too much about it. BEC studying starts Sunday so my mind is on that. Whatever happens, happens.

    AUD 8/18/16
    FAR 11/16
    BEC 1/17
    REG 2/17


    i exactly had same experience like yours. My MCqs were ok and i felt pretty confident on Sims, i got 76. I also got two research based simulation and i was pretty sure i got both. I am confident you will finish the line.


    I took FAR back in February, but I had a similar experience. I noticed a huge jump in difficulty for the 2nd testlet and then a moderate 3rd testlet. I was very concerned about leaving myself enough time for the SIMS, and while I didn't feel confident on all of them, I finished an hour early. It was strange because the worst feeling I had is I somehow overlooked something that was going to cause me to fail. Wound up making an 80. 🙂 Enjoy your Thanksgiving and try to move on to the next one while you wait for your score. What's done is done – other than learning something positive from the experience, that's all you can do.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    Dude u passed. I had zero clue on 5 of 7 sims. I got a 76. I still don't really understand debits and credits and now I'm going to be a cpa.

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?


    I took it on the same day as you and i feel the same exact way on the mcq. However my SIMS were not easy and i did not have enough time to finish them so i guessed in alot of them.. im sure youre fine. I am praying i am fine. Who knows. But looks like you will get around the high 80's Good luck!!!

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -


    WAIT @letsrun4it did you really have no clue on 5 out of the 7? I kind of guessed on 4 or 5 of them because of my time constraint. Were you extremely confident with your mcq then? i probably marked like 12 total.

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -


    Witty – letsrun4it probably did better than he/she thought. i scored stronger on MCQ and still failed FAR with 64! i sincerely bombed 5/7 SIMs and i'm not one of those “i know i failed” but passed with 91.

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    @claudia408- neither am I. When I came out of REG, however, I was so sure I failed thinking that if I passed it must be a miracle although I studied like a maniac. I got a 75 which is barely passing which makes me more of a realistic person. However, with FAR I dont see there being a chance that I passed with literally guessing on 5 sims. If I pass I would say I deserve it considering the amount of time, effort and sacrifice I put into the studying but I dont know i am extremely discouraged and this journey sucks but I guess we just cant give up and have to stay positive regardless.

    I studied the same way i studied for the other ones and it took me three times to pass audit to learn how to study for these monsters.

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -


    Just got done with FAR today and am in the same boat.. 5 of 7 sims were over my head. lots of Dr/Cr sims that were extensive, not sure if I could have done them all in 4 hours. got to the point that i just put zeros in for each line, didnt finish the balance sheet sim, and turned it in with 10 min left so I could get the fuk out of there… 3rd MCQ test was easiest for me I thought.. zero chance I passed, anything over a 60 would be a miracle…


    Witty / jcman – This whole exam is so depressing and demoralizing. examiners purposely trick you and just flat out consistently fail 55% of candidates, lol. but yea i guess all 3 of us guessed on 5/7 SIMs… a couple of mine were hard but mostly with these SIMs they are quite long, format/presentation always different, instructions not clear. it takes about 5 minutes just to compose your thoughts on how to start. and yes, just stay positive that you have the strength to overcome!

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    Just took FAR on Nov 29th. Exam overall seemed very weighted towards Govt Accounting. Even had Sim on Govt Acct. Personally, I feel that it's ridiculous to test that thoroughly on Govt. Govt Accting is its own animal and honestly they should have a CGA (Certfd Govt Acct) licensing. And for CPA just a very high level knowledge. My 2 cents.


    I took FAR yesterday as well. I honestly don't know what to think. My first testlet was very difficult and I know I did not do well because I ended up flagging approximately 15 questions.

    The 2nd and 3rd testlet felt alot easier than the 1st. I got through 6 of the 7 SIMs before I ran out of time. Lots of journal entries on all the SIMs.

    This was my retest and the exam was very different than the one I took last quarter. I'm just praying for a 75 because I'm disgusted with this constant studying.


    Took FAR on 11/30

    Testlet 1 – flagged 3-4 questions – moderately easy
    Testlet 2 – flagged 3-4 questions – moderately easy
    Testlet 3 – flagged 13 or 14 questions – WTF!? o well.. must move on to TBS
    TBS – Ok… these are way too easy.. should not have rushed through testlet 3 -_-

    Worried that I might not pass since i bombed testlet 3.

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