FAR Deferred Taxes Question

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  • #853657

    In my Wiley book which is as of January 2016, Current and Non-current deferred taxes aren’t netted. There was a new FASB pronouncement that now allows current/noncurrent DTA and DTL to be netted with eachother. Does anyone know if the FASB pronouncement way of recording DTA/DTL will be tested in the Q4 exam?

    AUD 8/18/16
    FAR 11/16
    BEC 1/17
    REG 2/17

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  • #853758

    I think the mandatory start of the new pronouncement is a couple of years out, although voluntary early application is allowed. I don't know how they determine when to start testing according to changed procedures, but my guess is that current and non-current will not allowed to be netted on the exam for a while yet.

    However, and this is just a guess, I don't think they ask questions that are directly related to procedures that are in the process of changing. When the ‘right' answer is questionable, a test is considered unreliable. But I think officially, stick with recording current and non-current separately.



    If it is amended, I think we have to follow the current GAAP practice.

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