FAR again…I’m bummed

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    Just got my FAR score back and I got a 56.

    I’ve gone from 56 – 60 – 66 – 62 – 71 and now back down to a 56 (WTF).

    This last exam was one of the worst I’ve taken. The material felt completely different than my study materials and there weren’t too many Gov/Non-profit questions which are my strong subjects.

    I recently passed BEC on my first try and have been stressed out since I got my score as now the clock is ticking. Just really bummed, six exams only to get so close and then go crashing back down, unbelievable.

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  • #2958965

    So sorry to hear this. I personally think you should either take FAR first or last not in the middle. I just took my FAR retake yesterday, March 9. I don't feel good about it at all. FAR is a beast and is very intimidating. The information is a mile wide and an inch deep. That makes it very hard to prepare for it. Keep your head up, regroup, and get back to studying. Good Luck!


    Yea it sucks. FAR was the first section I studied for. After taking it 4 times I decided to start studying for something else. BEC was random, I didn't expect to pass as I didn't even study SIMS but I did haha.

    Now I'm going between AUD and FAR. Not sure if I should just forget FAR and go through AUD and REG and then take FAR at the end like you have said. At this point, I know FAR well enough where I don't think I'll be forgetting the info anytime soon.


    I also took FAR yesterday and I don't think I passed it. For some reason, I felt that 35% of the exam was Governmental and NFP.

    Failed SIMS – Consolidations, Cash to Accrual conversion and the Standalone 606 Revenue recognition

    Probably re-testing next month for it since the material is fresh.

    FAR makes no sense, there is so much material to study and none of it is on the exam.


    @rafavazquezresto Definitely a lot of gov and NFP but time was my biggest enemy yesterday. I hate when the MCQs are calculation heavy. It bogs me down a little and leaves less time for the TBSs. It was horrible. I'm taking today off from studying or looking at anything accounting related, except for work, but will probably do a light study everyday until the score release next Wednesday or Thursday. I don't want to do a complete brain dump because like you, I will probably try to retake it mid April if I failed. Whew!! the life of a CPA Candidate!


    I'm an odd ball in that I love Gov/NFP and that has consistently been my best sections. For whatever it's worth, my score report always has me scoring “Stronger” in Gov/NFP and I definitely enjoy it better than the other material.

    I definitely feel as if I got less Gov/NFP this time, at least compared to the time I got the 71. MCQ's were definitely harder and most of the SIMS were horrid.

    I might just move on and work on passing AUD & REG and then go back to FAR in the end.


    FAR is completely a hit or miss situation. I bombed at least 2 sims and didn't even started on the last 2. So 4 total sims screwed. I still passed on the try. I would say most people screw up on SIMs so the real measurement is the MCQs. Don't be so frustrated on not doing well on sims as long as the MCQs felt ok without much guessing, you should have a pretty good chance of passing.


    @Puppykoala I think what you have said is correct. I knew MCQ's went pretty bad this time, the SIMs were just the final nail in the coffin. And I have heard many instances on here of people swearing that they guessed through almost all the SIMs and they still end up passing. Next time I have a go at FAR, I'll keep this in mind although I went through every Ninja MCQ. The exam simply had harder MCQs.



    MCQs is only 50% of the score, so you do need the SIMs to pass.

    That being said and if it makes you feel any better, i felt horrible after i took FAR in February that i walked out of the exam hall in tears. This was mainly because I had focused heavily on Gov Acct questions and not one single Gov was tested. I cried so much that i was numb. Anyways, i recently got my score and could have sworn i failed but I passed. I honestly cannot tell you how i whined up passing FAR but i did.

    So, my point is, if you put in the work and you feel horrible after testing, the feeling is NORMAL. Don't be discouraged. I failed BEC even when I felt highly confident that i passed it. So perhaps, feeling horrible afterwards is a good sign?

    And for those who are still going through the process, you can do it. Keep fighting and don't you ever give up. It will all be worth it after you have passed. The satisfaction I am feeling right now is explainable and I hope it happens for each one of you.


    Oh by the way, It took me 5 attempts to pass BEC. For me, it was my toughest exam yet. I could have easily given up after failing BEC that many times considering people thought this exam was the easiest? HOW? FAR is easier to study for than BEC ever was. This is just my experience though. I found that people think AUD is the most difficult whereas for me, it was a breeze. I guess it all boils down to what your strongest area is. Cost accounting was definitely my least favorite.


    @Unknown thanks for sharing your experience. I think this test is different for everyone. I lost track of how many people on here claim that they guessed through SIMs and ended up passing. Either that's BS or they're really good at guessing. SIMs definitely aren't to be ignored but I know I tend to score higher when MCQ's were at least similar to what I was studying.

    Feelings are also another different area for people. I walked out of FAR knowing I didn't do well at all, and I didn't. Conversely, I walked out of BEC not thinking I passed but not thinking I bombed either. Ended up with an 81.

    I've yet to have an experience similar to you and others where I knew I failed horribly and ended up passing. Perhaps one day…


    When I passed BEC my feelings were pretty much the same for my 70 fail and 82 pass. Too many on here claim to swear they fail but pass with 80+ scores and are in “complete shock”. Maybe I know myself too well and can tell if I even have a decent chance of passing or not. Be honest with yourself and just make sure you know enough to pass. I failed FAR with a 60 and will hopefully pass my retake after busy season. My BEC expires in April of 2021. I only got through ch 1-7 of the Becker FAR book at a good pace and rushed through 8-10.


    Not sure if this helps – passing along: https://www.another71.com/failed-the-cpa-exam/

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