FAR (5/30/18)

  • Creator
  • #1814074

    Just stepped out of the exam. Overall, not too bad. Could’ve known NPF and governmental better, but it is what it is. I knew the basic functionings of the accounts, but not nearly as in-depth as I did the other topics.

    The 2nd MCQ testlet definitely was a bit more tricky than the 1st testlet (lots of information and distractors), so I guess that is a good sign.

    I couldn’t really tell which TBS was pre-tested. There were two that I felt were difficult, but nothing out of the ordinary. Kind of kicking myself about it because the information was on the tip of my tongue.

    Definitely felt more confident coming out of this one than I did REG. Hoping for the best considering I got a 81 on REG.

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  • Author
  • #1814077

    @RustyShackleford_75 any FAR topics you recommend reviewing days prior to the test aside from NFP/Gov?

    AUD- 74 (2012), 72 (4/20/16)
    BED- 7/6/16
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD


    Definitely adjusting entries, subsequent events, commercial vs noncommercial transactions.

    Also familiarize yourself with wording. For example, hypothetically speaking if you got a SIM that asked about the “cost to cost” contract method…


    Does cost to cost mean percentage of completion?

    AUD- 74 (2012), 72 (4/20/16)
    BED- 7/6/16
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD


    Did feel that REG or FAR was harder?



    Thank you so much, this was very helpful. Considering what you said and that your exam got harder, I bet you did well.

    Would you say that pensions and IFRS vs. GAAP is important to go over as well? I feel like there is just so much information in FAR and it is very hard to know it all.


    According to the internet “cost to cost” is the same as “% completion”, but I did not see it my Becker book.

    I'm a recent college graduate (accounting major) so the info in FAR was much more fresh and “drilled in” than REG. I didn't take many tax or business law courses, so REG was somewhat of a foreign topic to me.

    In addition to the the questions becoming a little bit trickier, the concepts presented seemed more difficult. In my 2nd testlet I saw a few pension questions and IFRS vs. GAAP questions, none of which appeared in the 1st testlet.


    @rustyshackleford_75 thanks for the insights. much appreciated! I bet you did well since your 2nd testlet got harder and you recently studied this information. Good luck!

    AUD- 74 (2012), 72 (4/20/16)
    BED- 7/6/16
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD


    Thanks for the heads up @rushtyshackleford_75, very much appreciated! I am still going through the material, but it's good to note for the exam.. As the others noted, as your exam was getting progressively tougher, I'm sure you did well too. Good luck, and thanks again!


    Just got out of FAR. It definitely got harder, the MCQs were also very manageable. There were a few I felt like came from a completely different exam. The TBS were alot. I read and was able to provide answers to everything. I probably spent too much time on stuff I knew I got right. There were a few I felt like we're so easy it was a trap, I spent alot of time reworking and confirming those.

    As far as the Excel functionality. Perfect. Way better than anything previous.

    Good luck. I'll be praying now till June 27th.


    “I felt the second testlet was harder”…seems everybody says that. I felt the same way. Who knows. Here's hoping for a 75!


    thanks for the insight.

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