FAR 2018 q1 experience; namely simulations

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  • #1695472

    Hopefully the rest of the country can agree that the Sims were on a totally different level? How could have anyone completed that exam in 4 hours. I find it nearly impossible.

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  • #1695570

    Anything to make us rethink becoming a CPA. Thanks for sharing, I guess I'll keep studying and throw in sims as well. I was hoping the mcq's would do it. :-/

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    @farfromperfect, Is this your first test? How did you study? After every test I took I felt dazed and confused. I was grumpy all day afterwords.


    @turo9990000 no i’ve taken FAR before. I definitely got a harder second testlet which should be a good sign, but every one of my sims was a long drawn out worksheet with multiple tabs and documents. Usually there are only a few. I still fill as though I had strong answers for a majority of them but I was defintely rushed at the end. So my last 2 sims might’ve cost me the exam unless other people had the same issue. On the same note what if everyone else got an easier combination, can they really create a level playing field with their statistically selected test questions?


    @ FarFromPerfect

    Edit: Sorry, didn't realize the post was regarding the difficulty of the SIMs as opposed to score. Definitely agree with you, I found them incredibly time consuming, more so than being difficult. I took it in Q3 of 2017, but it seems that within the same quarter they have a variety for test takers also, as I've seen posts which mention identical SIMs between each other but I had nothing close to them.

    Best of luck on your score, but no point in thinking about it until you get your score. Incredibly hypocritical of me because FAR was my first test and bothered me up until score release, because as I've noted in other posts, I didn't even touch a ridiculously long SIM (numerous tabs/documents – about 20 boxes to fill in) and ran out of time to do my research, and hit an 81. I am sure the relative level of difficulty has something to do with it, as I am certain I got some MCQs wrong (second testlet took me 1 hour 15 minutes as opposed to 40 min for the first – mostly due to re-checking ..bad habit), and I am sure I didn't get the SIMs I completed 100 % correct.


    Sorry @turo99920000 i mispelled your screename. I’m new to this forum and I’m not sure the proper way to make sure you’re alerted of my response. Oh btw

    FAR-in 70’s


    @sbny2k17. I’m not even confident I got the research correct. Usually that’s my guaranteed 7.14%, but do we even know if it’s 1/7th or is it 1/85th(i.e. is each field a point or is each sim a point), no one knows. Would def alter my test strategy if I knew. I’m def stronger on mcq’s, got 100 percent on 2 sims, 50 or higher on 2, 75 or higher on 2, totally guessed on the last one cause I ran out of time, my give me research sim can actually easily be a zero, but it seemed like the only possible answer, although i def didn’t have a comforted feeling after submitting it.


    *feel…. probably would’ve cost me BEC. Although I see some people that have weak grammar pass it on the borderline. Extremely suspicious.


    @sbny2k17. Are you saying that you guessed on the research, skipped/totally blindly guessed on a long sim with 20 tabs and def didnt have one hundred percent of the remaining 6 correct and still got a 81?


    Completely skipped the a SIM – 20 fill-in boxes, probably like 7 or 8 detailed doc's attached.

    Research couldn't have been scored, I found the word for word answer in the AL with 17 seconds left, I remember racing against the seconds countdown which turned red and before I could fill even half in the test timed out (I'm certain you don't get partial Research credit).

    As far as the remaining 6, I know I didn't have score a 100 % on them in totality (didn't skip any in them but without breaking rules it was obvious certain answers didn't make sense but I had to keep it moving).

    My assumption is the huge SIM I skipped was a pre-test, but you never know.


    So this worries me, because all (well, most) of my sims were really easy…like stupid easy. There were only two that I thought I wasn't 100% in confident in. I even finished on time with 2 minutes to spare, which is unheard of in FAR. So that probably means I bombed the MCQ's. Woo


    Tlkdrty, you feel it was super easy because you knew the topic very well otherwise same SIMs would have been horrible. So easy and difficult are relative terms.you may love consolidation and may find the SIM on consolidation easy whereas it may be most difficult for others .
    There are people on forum who have completed FAR and still they had 70 minutes left.so you should be fine.


    SIMS difficulty isn't dependent on your MCQ performance, so hopefully you just knew the material really well!


    @talkdrty2m3_ there’s no way on this earth even people in the Ivy wouldve considered my sims easy. My question is if you got a 90 percent on your easy sims and I get like a 60 on my hard sims and we both nailed the mcq’s does the AICPA truly have the capacity to differentiate the two or do they not really care? That is the question.


    @anyatver I pray that somehow something changed and sims are dependent on performance of mcq’s. Also does anyone know if there’s partial credit for the research. Becker actually gives partial credit. If you’re in the right section but get the wrong subsection. Maybe there are two to three different answers that are scored on a sliding scale. You’re crushing it all the way through and somehow can’t find an obscure research and you lose 7.14? That’s kind of crazy. First time I didn’t feel comfortable with my research. I don’t like that no one else has mentioned this on far q1 2018 yet.


    @turo9992000 wow I misspelled your name twice.

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