FAR 2016 Q4 experience

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  • #852480

    Hello everyone,

    I will be taking FAR in 2 weeks. This is my third attempt and I would really appreciate if anyone can share which were the most important topics seen in Q4 and also your experience with SIMS. I have gone through the Q3 forum already but wanted to see if you had similar or different experiences. Last minute tips appreciated. I have been using Wiley test bank, beckers notes and questions, Ninja notes.

    FAR is my last section left before am done (Fingers crossed)!!

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  • #852546

    Learn the basics, inventory, depreciation, fixed assets, impairment (how to calculate goodwill impairment). Don't forget this stuff.

    Know Gov't IN AND OUT, NPF, Stockholder's equity, statement of cash flows. I think if you made the time to do a statement of cash flows SIM, you should be good since it requires so many steps.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    @Allie530 – how would you rate the sims? moderate or difficult ( i know we all have our own scale of difficult)


    Burn your self with repeated mcqs. Focus on troubled questions do them until your eyes bleed.


    @ariah the content of the exam cannot be divulged.

    Substantive Testing

    Understanding Journal Entries is the key to passing this exam.


    Any more experiences?


    The best of wishes to you since this is your last one. Knock it out of the park!!! I'm supposed to take FAR in December. I'm thinking I'm gonna cancel it because I just got a new job and I do not know Governmental Acct at all yet and I seriously doubt I will have learned it well enough to be tested on it in 2 months. If you have any advice for me, about how you learned Governmental, please let me know. Why the *&$# does it get so much testing? It's not public accounting nor is it private accounting…it's a bunch of crap! I don't even know anybody who uses GASB-type (non-GAAP) accounting in their job…then again, it seems like Govt Acct is a hybrid of accrual and non-accrual. If you pass FAR, consider yourself damned lucky that you missed the new version of the CPA exam. The new version is designed to give a pass rate of like 10%. Again, the best of wishes!


    I just took FAR and the SIMS were impossible. I was trending at 90% on the MC questions and feel like I did really well on the MC section of the exam but I'd be surprised if I scored higher than 50% on the SIMS, so it's basically impossible for me to pass. FML.


    The last time I took far in second qtr, SIMS were impossible. I mean they had so many tabs and the clarity of the content was very poor. I was 7 points short…I just hope I can get this done.
    @crazyleon – better now than later, there is still enough time if you can plan and stick to a schedule. I didn't do anything past two days cuz I went to the ER from chest pain. I was studying 14-16 hours a day. And today I feel like I don't remember anything. So nervous..


    I agree with Over_It. I felt confident through all the MC's – but the SIMS were WAY nastier than AUD.

    It took a significant amount of time just to figure out what some of the SIMS were asking, and others were impossible to figure out. The supplemental information was vague. Each SIM had way too many steps to be completed in the time allotted – and I'd left over 2 hours for the SIMS!

    Not holding out much hope.


    Wow, I must be backwards. I actually felt pretty decent about the sims and was surprised by the difficulty of the MCQ. That just goes to show everyone is different. In college I usually did better on short answer/problem type questions than on MCQ so that's probably why.

    I used just Gleim and had heard from everyone how Gleim questions are harder than the actual exam, so maybe I was just banking on that too much. I don't necessarily feel like I did terrible, I was just expecting to feel better about it than I do. We'll just have to wait and see!


    I retook FAR yesterday and it was a beast. My first time around I didn't found it that hard but I was tested very heavily on topics that I had not studied at all. Basically I guessed on 40% of the MCQ. The SIMS were alright and I ended up scoring a 73. This time around, however, it kicked my rear end. Right off the bat the first testlet was much harder than I anticipated. It took me almost 50-60 mins. Supposedly, the first testlet is medium difficulty but I still found it very hard. The second testlet was another monster out of this world.Much worse than the first teslet. I almost wanted to walk out of the testing room and take my break but I was only 10 questions into the second teslet!

    The second teslet took me a good 60-70 mins. The third teslet was a piece of cake. I thought I was back in introductory financial accounting in my sophmore year. I guess that just means I bombed the crap out of the second teslet. The SIMS were pretty straight forward although it took me a while to find the research question. There was one simulation where I simply was not able to answer it because I ran out of time but I did managed to come up with some accounts for the journal entries; hopefully they give some points.

    Overall I feel that this time around was much more difficult than the first time around. Also the first time, I was hammered on major topics that I didn't know. My test yesterday really tested everything. I saw a little bit of everything.


    Just wow…makes me so nervous. I have three more days to go. Looks like this Qtr, I haven't heard good experiences as such. May be there is a Year end passing rate they are trying to meet?


    @Ariah – I think we'll just have to wait and see what happens with the score release. For me, this was my very first test so I didn't know what to expect going in and I have no idea what to expect for my score. I don't feel like I'm going to score a 90, but I also don't feel like I bombed it either. Just take a deep breath, review as much as you can, and do your best. That's all you can do!


    Can anyone provide with with some advice on how study FAR in 30 days?

    I'm basically starting again from scratch, and rescheduled my test for Thanksgiving Weekend

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