Failed FAR…now what?

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  • #180331

    Pretty devastated about this…I studied so much, to the point of exhaustion. Ingot my score today and landed a 62 🙁

    I am currently studying for AUD and find it much easier to grasp the concepts than FAR. I scheduled AUD for Oct 4…I am halfway through the book and confident I can wrap it up all by end of next week.

    I was planning to start Becker live classes for Reg Oct 10 but now I think the best thing is to go back to FAR…would you guys agree?

    I use Becker and have NINJA audio for FAR. In was thinking of buying the complete set of NINJA Notes to secure a pass for AUD and and help me pass FAR on round 2….what do guys think?

    How do you start to study again for the beast that is FAR? I was planning to retest at end of November…seem reasonable?

    This is the only place that helps me feel sane !

    REG: 80 (11/13/15)
    FAR: APR 2016

    "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." - Winston Churchill

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  • #444029

    Dust yourself off, get angry and go for another try! If you want the designation, that's really all you can do! FAR is a trick pony… you just have to know all the material as best you can. NINJA notes and MCQs til you are ready to beg for mercy. Good luck in November!


    Dust yourself off, get angry and go for another try! If you want the designation, that's really all you can do! FAR is a trick pony… you just have to know all the material as best you can. NINJA notes and MCQs til you are ready to beg for mercy. Good luck in November!


    Ninja notes & lots of MCP's will help you a lot. I would go for FAR again rather than changing over to REG. When you study, try to learn it so well that you could teach it to another person. Always ask yourself, “Could I explain this question to another person?” If not, you don't know it well enough.

    My suggestion is to take AUD and then take a break for a day or two or three and then go straight into FAR restudy for the very latest date in November you can get. When you restudy for FAR, pretend you have never studied before. Go through ALL of the material again and then review it again. FAR is difficult, don't feel too bad about your score but recognize that you have some serious ground to make up.


    Ninja notes & lots of MCP's will help you a lot. I would go for FAR again rather than changing over to REG. When you study, try to learn it so well that you could teach it to another person. Always ask yourself, “Could I explain this question to another person?” If not, you don't know it well enough.

    My suggestion is to take AUD and then take a break for a day or two or three and then go straight into FAR restudy for the very latest date in November you can get. When you restudy for FAR, pretend you have never studied before. Go through ALL of the material again and then review it again. FAR is difficult, don't feel too bad about your score but recognize that you have some serious ground to make up.


    Thanks, I plan to start to re-study for FAR in October after I take AUD.

    Planning to retest right before Thanksgiving so at least I can maybe enjoy holidays without FAR on my mind.

    Then I'll gear up for BEC in December and test for that in January at some point.

    REG will have to wait until after busy season though I do plan to study for it as much as I can during busy season since I will be doing tax work hopefully something will click!

    REG: 80 (11/13/15)
    FAR: APR 2016

    "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." - Winston Churchill


    Thanks, I plan to start to re-study for FAR in October after I take AUD.

    Planning to retest right before Thanksgiving so at least I can maybe enjoy holidays without FAR on my mind.

    Then I'll gear up for BEC in December and test for that in January at some point.

    REG will have to wait until after busy season though I do plan to study for it as much as I can during busy season since I will be doing tax work hopefully something will click!

    REG: 80 (11/13/15)
    FAR: APR 2016

    "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." - Winston Churchill


    Ok I think I'm missing something, I was told you couldn't re-take the same section for 6 months after failing it? But that doesn't seem to be the case and I am confused!

    FAR 8/2013 - Passed!
    REG 11/2013 - Passed!
    AUD 1/2014


    Ok I think I'm missing something, I was told you couldn't re-take the same section for 6 months after failing it? But that doesn't seem to be the case and I am confused!

    FAR 8/2013 - Passed!
    REG 11/2013 - Passed!
    AUD 1/2014


    @lobrennan – You can't take the same test in the same testing window. Since you took FAR in the July/August window, you can take it in the Oct/Nov window if you want!


    @lobrennan – You can't take the same test in the same testing window. Since you took FAR in the July/August window, you can take it in the Oct/Nov window if you want!

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