Failed FAR – Need Help Please!

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  • #1707822

    I just received my first ever score and I failed FAR pretty badly. I feel miserable – I put in 5 hours a day for the past 2 months and I am now lost. I currently have an NTS with REG, AUD, BEC that expires 6/26/18 and planned on taking REG 4/2/18, but now I don’t know what to do. Since I’m new to this stuff I was hoping you could help me understand how applying for a new NTS works…
    1) If I apply for a new NTS, does it negate the one I currently have? Should I stop studying REG, pick up FAR again, and take FAR on 4/2/18? Or should I continue with REG, and start studying for FAR only when I finish taking REG as planned?
    2) Is there anyway to get a score breakdown so I know where I messed up?

    I REALLY appreciate any advice or help.

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  • Author
  • #1707831

    Gotta keep your head up man. Good luck out there!

    FAR- taken 8/11/ the wait begins
    AUD- scheduled 9/8/16
    BEC- scheduled 10/9/16
    REG-scheduled 12/10/16

    Live a few years like most people won't, to live the rest of your life like most people can't.


    Jgabbay, don't give up! You will get an email with your score and a breakdown by area that shows how you did compared to other candidates. Keep going!


    I failed pretty bad my first time too. A lot of us don't pass our first time. In your post you mentioned that you have a NTS for the 3 other parts and it all expires at the end of June 2018. If so I would focus on the 3 parts you have to take by June. Study for the other 3 and then you can schedule out FAR once you get through those. Your clock hasn't started…meaning you don't have any parts expiring soon so I would just move on and come back to FAR after you take those 3 parts. Between now and the end of June it is only two more windows to take 3 parts.


    Just keep trying. It took me 3 times and a year to pass FAR, lol…(I took FAR first)


    If it makes you feel any better, I failed with a 53 after studying for three months pretty much every waking moment.
    But I know what I did wrong. If I hit an mcq I didn't know, it guess instead of going back to my notes. I was trying to reinforce the fact you can't use notes on the test. But what I really taught myself was how to guess and move on. Come test day…. I guessed and moved on. I got zero concepts in my head doing that.

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