Failed FAR for the first time

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  • #190715

    I just found out that I got a 61 on FAR. This was the first time I took it, and the first time I have ever sat for the CPA. Obviously, 61 is a pretty bad score, but I literally did not know how to do the majority of the SIMS. It seemed like I got bizarre topics, except for the research question and one on pensions. I know for a fact that I definitely lost credit on the pensions question because I messed up a journal entry. The rest were things that I had never seen before or even thought about going over as possible SIM questions. For example, I got one on troubled debt restructuring and the associated journal entries.

    Based on basically not knowing any of the SIMS, can I look at a score of 61 as a bit of a positive in a way? Out of a possible 40%, I don’t think I got more than 10% right, basically starting me at a 70%. Losing only 9% on the multiple choice seems pretty solid to me, but what is everybody’s thoughts?

    I think I am going to sit for it for a second time in the beginning of January since everything is still fresh in my mind. I am currently studying for Audit as well and plan on taking that in the beginning of January too.

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  • #633610

    Everybody fails the first time. I got a 55 the first time I took REG. I learned from my mistakes, made adjustments to my study style and passed the next 4 exams without any hiccups. You'll get it the next time around. I'm not sure studying for two sections is the best idea though. I would focus on FAR and then do Audit right after. It's definitely smart to do Audit after Far though. There is a lot of similarities and Audit will seem easy after what you've gone through with FAR.

    AUD - 89 07/02/14 (Becker practice exam: 74, 83)
    REG - 92 08/18/14 (Becker practice exam: 75, 84)
    BEC - 83 10/03/14 (Becker practice exam: 83, 70)
    FAR - 91 11/24/14 (Becker practice exams: 64, 77)
    *also utilized Becker Final Review after seeing practice scores for FAR*


    Everyone does not fail the first time. -_-

    CPA soon

    Well you will receive a score evaluation report that will show you whether you're only weak in sims or in all areas. You will be surprised how much partial credit they give on sims, with 61 you need to study alot harder. I don't know what program you're using but make sure you use a test bank and do all the questions in it.

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..


    While bigfourexpert is right “not everyone fails the first time” a huge percentage of people do, which is the point jcan was making. This forum is full of people with multiple fail attempts in their signatures. It is an inspiration to see those people with multiple failures posting in the I passed, I am finally done thread.

    Hang in there chiefs!!! this is a test of discipline. Stick with it, and you too will be posting in the “I am finally done” thread too!

    FAR 10/18/14... 82
    REG 11/18/14... 87
    AUD 01/06/15... 71 Grrr 5/06/2015 ... 73 Doh 7/13/15 ... 69 Ack 11/18/15 ... 86!!!
    BEC 02/07/15... 79


    Thank you SeaPea for not being a literal nazi and understanding the point i was trying to make. Just trying to be supportive. Failing after putting in all that hard work is devastating.

    AUD - 89 07/02/14 (Becker practice exam: 74, 83)
    REG - 92 08/18/14 (Becker practice exam: 75, 84)
    BEC - 83 10/03/14 (Becker practice exam: 83, 70)
    FAR - 91 11/24/14 (Becker practice exams: 64, 77)
    *also utilized Becker Final Review after seeing practice scores for FAR*


    The first time everyone fails, they fail for the first time.

    A 61 isn't terrible, it just isn't passing. There are plenty of people in here who have done far worse who go on to pass.

    Also, don't think in terms of percentages. The CPA exam isn't graded that way. The 0 – 99 is a composite score, not a percentile.

    I don't think I've ever done better than 10% of my sims and I have passed all four (as of today).


    Careful. Definitely breaking disclosure rules here….

    BEC - PASS
    REG - PASS
    FAR - PASS


    When does the score report come?


    My understanding is, it comes two days later via email.

    FAR 10/18/14... 82
    REG 11/18/14... 87
    AUD 01/06/15... 71 Grrr 5/06/2015 ... 73 Doh 7/13/15 ... 69 Ack 11/18/15 ... 86!!!
    BEC 02/07/15... 79

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