Does sim order matter?

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  • #2826897

    Today I took FAR and I am not sure how to feel about it. The first testlet of multiple choice didn’t seem too challenging and I felt like I did pretty decent on it. The second testlet was more challenging to me for sure but I’m not sure what is considered harder questions because I got a lot of tricky questions which I am not very good with. So, my second testlet I don’t feel too confident in. But in testlet three, I had my research question which I normally get in fourth or fifth testlet. Does getting the research question in the third testlet mean anything? Also, I had two of the reading comprehension sims which I feel to be more on the easier side. Could that mean anything for getting two of them? Fifth testlet was pretty standard and think I got a decent amount of points, hoping that one of them doesn’t count. Overall, I felt like multiple choice I did decent on and did alright on the sims depending on which ones count. But I’m just more worried about the order of the sims with the research question in the first sim testlet and two of the reading comprehension sims. Does this mean anything? Please let me know, thanks!

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  • #2826963

    No meaning whatsoever. Mine was the very 1st one and I passed. Ive read its been the first for others as well.

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