Does anyone feel that the simulations on these exams are pretty unfair? - Page 2

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    I feel like whenever I take these exams, I master the multiple choice but when the simulations come around, I feel like the wording the information they give you, makes it hard to get a clear understanding of what they want you to exactly do. For example. They gave me a bunch of transactions and said they weren’t recorded on a specific date, then asked me at year end, what would my transactions be. Another thing I don’t completely understand is that I was achieving 90% of my practice exam (both in Becker) and 2 on ninja and still bombed the simulations. I feel like they word things on the exam to try to trick you.

    BEC: 82
    FAR: 80
    REG: 81
    AUD: Last exam, end of may 2016.

    Key to passing the exam is understanding the topic chapter and sections, not just memorizing what you read. The more you practice multiple choice, the greater chance you have to passing the exam.

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    I think I actually lucked out with the SIMs during FAR this past Monday, Nov 30th.
    The two areas I feared the most having to in-depth SIM on, were NOT covered.
    Based on my accounting background, one SIM was right in my sweet spot.
    Not saying, I definitely nailed it (because I found the first two testlets extremely comprehensive and difficult), but the 7 SIM's were a bit more do-able than I thought they might have been.
    I gave myself almost 2 hours so — I am hoping — it was a different experience, and perhaps a different result !??


    “I think I actually lucked out with the SIMs during FAR this past Monday, Nov 30th.

    The two areas I feared the most having to in-depth SIM on, were NOT covered. Based on my accounting background, one SIM was right in my sweet spot.

    Not saying, I definitely nailed it (because I found the first two testlets extremely comprehensive and difficult), but the 7 SIM's were a bit more do-able than I thought they might have been. I gave myself almost 2 hours so — I am hoping — it was a different experience, and perhaps a different result !??”

    Sidenote: I don't know to properly quote a previous post ^^^

    I had a similar experience. Based on what my friend told me and reading this forum, I was expecting the worst from the SIMs. Is was expecting it to be all J/Es. Thankfully it wasn't and as mentioned above me, one SIM hit my sweet spot. There were a couple I wasn't too confident and I'm hoping one of them was a practice. However, I only had 1.5 hour to do them all and rushed what I hoped was the practice SIM.

    Praying and crossing my fingers like everyone else.


    The funny thing is while my FAR SIMs weren't easy, I at least felt somewhat prepared for them. The AUD exam it took this week, on the other hand, had a couple of SIMs that totally caught me off guard.

    FAR - 74 (7/20/15), 81 (10/12/15)
    AUD - 72 (11/30/15), 81 (1/18/16)
    BEC - 87 (6/6/16)
    REG - 8/8/16


    I'm the opposite.

    Above average on the sims on all my exams–certainly the reason I passed REG with a 76. Got to read carefully and know how to use the guidance quickly.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Yes they are. But life is more unfair. Better get used to it.


    I also took FAR on Monday. I've taken it before and don't remember the SIMs ever being this difficult. I thought I did pretty well on the multiple choice but left some SIMs blank and guessed on some others. I am tired of this exam. I hope I passed by some miracle.


    I wont speak to your despondency, but I will try to provide some sort of edification.

    If it is of any help, Becker has a video that says doing lots of MCQ's is supposed to have a positive effect on SIMS.

    The people who made the podcast were clear that couldn't say why this positive effect was there. But I hypothesize it might have something to do with the way MCQs tend to isolate specific steps (and solution approaches) to the workflow of more general problems.

    Although I have no proof it will work, what I try to do for SIMS is correctly comprehend and memorize the entire workflow and “general gist” of every class and section in Becker (my review course), as well as rigorously scrutinize every MCQ, and then somehow try to make it all work together.

    And, lastly, focus on reason and decisive motivation as much as possible.


    Any suggestions how to prepare for the FAR SIMS. I have Becker self study . Especially JE's for each topic. Any help appreciated.


    If you think these sims were unfair…..just wait til 2017 if you are still trying to pass. I am hoping to be done. getting ready to start my study marathon.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I felt like I was prepared for the FAR Sims using Becker. I literally did all 100+ or however many questions the 2-3 days before my exam so when I got to the test, they weren't that bad except for the EPS one which I completely blanked on.
    I felt my REG Sims were harder.

    But I agree on knowing what “all” information they want. It's hard to be sure.

    REG - ('11) 71, ('12) 71 - Becker
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    FAR - ('16) 54 - Becker


    I've taken 3 exams, and while I've had some difficult SIMS, I don't think any of them have been unfair. I think the purpose of the SIMS is to weed out the people who really understand the concepts from the people who don't. I like to think of SIMS as either several MCQ's about the same topic combined into one problem OR related MCQ's with the same underlying concept. I suspect that many of the people who get blindsided by SIMS don't understand the material as much as they think they do. After all, it's quite possible to get a MCQ right without understanding at all what the right answer is. I also think part of the problem is people take too much time doing MCQ's that they don't leave themselves enough time for the SIMS. I never flag MCQ's – I just read each one twice and then pick and answer (for the ones I don't know) and move on. I think people spend a lot more time going back to flagged questions it's at the end when you've probably forgotten why you've flagged it in the first place.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    I agree with @jdn

    The SIMS are extremely difficult, but still fair, and this is coming from someone who curses my SIMS on literally every exam I take. There really isn't anything about the CPA exam that is “unfair”. I say that because we are all, in fact, graded against each other. If you read the AICPA literature on how the exam is graded and really think about it, this exam is heavily curved (even though the AICPA claims it is not). Every question, MCQs or SIMS, that you see on an exam is given a particular point value based off of Item Response Theory – meaning the point value assigned to any given question is determined based on prior candidates' performance. Questions that people often miss are deemed harder and worth more points, while easier questions that everyone gets right are worth less. So obviously the goal is to answer as many of these questions right as possible and accumulate a score of over 75. Even after that, the AICPA takes your aggregate score with “Policy Weights Applied” to curve your score up or down to maintain passing rates. So even though they say it is not curved, all of this by definition and in theory suggests a curved exam.

    But my point in all of this is, take the difficult SIMS as a blessing. They are harder, thereby worth more points, and you can do a hell of a lot worse on them and still get points. While with the easy SIMS, you have to do really well on them just to get as many points as the other candidates, because everyone is nailing them. If you find a SIM impossible, so do probably most of the candidates, which is a good thing because we are all probably getting it wrong! The easy SIMS are the ones to really be afraid of.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016



    You are totally correct with the way the CPA Exam is graded. I can prove it too. The AICPA statistically decides how many people will pass. For BEC, if you look at the historical passing %, it's always 53-57%…FAR is always 42-47%..etc. (

    Therefore, they will decrease/increase the difficulty level until it fits their desire. If they made the test easy, the CPA would be worthless. Too hard and you have a shortage.

    Additionally, the better you do on an exam, the harder it will get as you go along. This proves that every question is given a strength rating from weak-strong. Logically, why would they give you more points for an easier question, and less for a harder one? after all, the test isn't 75%…it's 75 POINTS.

    In the end, just study and know more than most people. Plus, when you pass, you'll be happy there aren't as many CPA's because it increases your market value.

    FAR- 69, 81
    REG- 78
    BEC- 78
    AUD- 82


    SIMS need to be practiced as much as MCQs. No other way to master them. – See more at:

    Never practiced a SIM…75% passed…almost passed FAR 1st time around and left fully 50-75% of them blank.

    Said another way…I disagree. Once can pass these tests and never “practice a SIM.”

    You just need to realize these tests are really a de facto hazing. They make no sense, are not a valid measure of anything other than how much time you're willing to spend committing large amounts of information to memory for a 3.5-4.5 hours of your life four times.

    Aud 74, 70, 78
    BEC 76
    Reg 83
    FAR - February 27, 2016

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