Do I still have a chance of passing FAR- 12/5?

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  • #1376904

    Hello friends,
    I took FAR on 12/5, and below was my exam experience and based on your experience, do I still have a chance of passing at all? 🙁

    1st testlet: Medium, flagged about 6-7 MCQs
    2nd testlet: Easy, flagged 2-3. (At that point, I knew that I did poorly on the 1st one, when I say easy, they were EASY, like very basic concepts and easy calculations, etc)
    3rd testlet: Getting just a bit of harder, flagged about 5-6, 4 mcq were 100% guessed, bc of certain fixed asset measurement tested that I didn’t see in Becker. 🙁
    SIMs: I think I answered 5 out of 7 with 70% confidence.

    I remember I read about other NINJAs posts of getting impossible difficult MCQs, and passed decently; however for me, it was completely opposite, my MCQs were easy and straight forward, all I know is easy means fail.. so friends, based on your experience, do I still have a chance of passing? Or maybe I should just turn off my computer and start to read F1 now…

    Thank you for all of your insights..thank you all…

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  • #1376954

    I think it is possible to pass in your scenario but it would be by the skin of your teeth if you do. Basically, you would have had to have answered just enough of the questions right to pass, as you know you got quite a few wrong due to them giving you the easier test-lets.

    On the flip side, maybe you crushed it by knowing the concepts so well it “felt” easy.

    I'll wish you good luck and hope for the best.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    Thank you, I'll prepare for the worst. I think I will get Ninja mcq for retake, it is more spot on compare to Becker MCQs.


    You never know until you know. You probably got some of those questions right that you flagged and you probably got some wrong that you didn't flag. Factor in pretest questions and it really is impossible to know with any level of certainty..


    I think that there's still a chance that you passed. I just received a score of a 75 and it sounds like you just described my experience taking FAR. I also only answered 5 out of the 7 simulations and throughout my exam I was thinking that my questions were way too easy. Hopefully one of those simulations you didn't answer isn't graded. Either way right now you don't know whether you passed or failed so I don't think it would hurt to briefly look over the material until you find out your score.


    Thank you very much Jsn3004, besides questions you received were relatively easy, did you also have any MCQs that you totally guessed? What really worries me is that besides the low difficulty, I also had about 5-6 questions that were foreign to me, Becker didn't cover.. I understand that aicpa tends to throw those in to test out our capabilities, but I merely guessed an answer on those topics.


    I still don't know how everyone seems to be able to guess whether they had a Medium or a Hard testlet. Just because a question is very wordy or requires a couple computations does not make it easy or hard. I am sure they have questions that are very short about IFRS that are considered hard questions. Both Medium and Hard testlets have a mixture of easy/hard making it almost impossible to guess what your testlet actually was. Maybe you over/under studied and thought they were easy because you knew the material or thought they were tough because you didn't know that topic.

    With how you describe your experience, I think you have a pretty decent shot at passing. It would be a good chance of passing if you were able to complete the other two sims.

    Who knows though. I passed REG and the only SIM I knew I got for sure was the research questions. The other 6 I used educated guesses.

    AUD - 76
    REG - 78
    FAR - Aug 2016
    BEC - 79


    No matter what your score is, there are always going to be questions that you don't know. Even people scoring in the 90's can still get a bunch of questions wrong on any section.


    I will say this about the whole medium/hard thing. Time management is king on this exam. If your testlet has a dozen questions that are a paragraph long each, I'm going to venture a good number of those questions are considered hard solely for the fact that it takes that much more time to read and process the information. This happened to me during my last teslet in BEC and caused me a time shortage on the WC solely because each question was taking 3x longer to read and process than your typical one liners..


    Thank you so much for all of your insights, absolutely true. The waiting is long and I will prepare for the worst. Another post was saying the passing rate is reducing by 5% and we need a raw/unadjusted score of 80 in order to pass.. hope we all have some good news in a couple of days Ninjas!


    Quick update, I got score today: 84.
    Don't be panic if you get easy questions, that counts too!
    Good luck to you all 🙂

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