Did I pass FAR??

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  • #189809

    Hi all….i’m here just looking for the opinion of people whom may have had a similar experience….I took FAR yesterday, the multiple choice were a breeze, I actually became overly confident that the sims would be the same level of difficulty, so I reviewed all 3 testlets twice at my own pace–not worrying about simulation one bit….i’m sure you can guess what happened next…simulation was a mess, ran out of time….guessed at the research tab, which is a 99 percent chance of being wrong, had a question with 6 cells, 5 of the 6 cells were definitely wrong, other than that i was not overly confident about maybe 3 and unsure of the other two….do I still have a shot at passing? Thanks.

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  • #619922

    I passed FAR, and I felt great about the MCQs but then had nightmares (I really did) about the sims I got and my performance on them. So, sure, it's possible!

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂



    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but none of us can tell you if you passed or not. You're the only one that has an idea, and unfortunately, even that idea is very dependent on how the tests are scored. I've heard stories of all kinds for these exams. I for one, was sure i had failed…every…single…time. As you can see, that wasn't the case. As for the one I just took, that was bad too, but I may get lucky. These tests are tricky, and it's as easy to feel good / bad and have a surprise in a few weeks. I hope the best for you!


    Do you think you passed or do you think you failed? My experience has been when I think I pass, I fail and when I think I fail, I pass. Go with your instinct, and it's probably the opposite.


    No one here can tell you if you passed or not. Just move onto your next part and start studying. That's the only way you'll pass all four parts.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    It's hard to tell with these exams. I ran out of time during BEC and thought I failed for sure. I even started to restudy the section. Turns out I passed with a good score. You just never know.

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    Thanks all…I obviously knew that there wasn't a yes/no answer to if i failed or passed, it should've been worded, can I still pass…nonetheless, time will tell I guess


    I think you passed. 🙂

    Now, go study for your next section!

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    Haha will do.


    On the last exam I took I got a 73. Scored stronger in 4 of 6 and comparable in 2 of 6 on the multiple choice…and scored Weaker on the SIMs….so there certainly is a chance you did not pass.

    REG - 78
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 77
    AUD - 74 (Bulls***), 85


    Yeah, when I took the multiple choice I really took the exam as a simple task, I noticed the MC's were getting more difficult but weren't nearly as difficult as I expected, so I was over prepared in that sense….Def a mistake on my end of using that mentality to judge the rest of the exam before I even took it.


    I bet you got it.

    And as for me, after the test I cried streams of tears…in public. Hopefully no one saw. Totally thought I failed. Got an 81. Same with REG, though I for sure failed. Passed with the best 75 I have ever seen in my life.

    Don't focus on it, move on to the next.


    Thanks for the optimism!! Do scores ever come early for some people if I keep checking the site, or do they all automatically come at the same time on the score release date?


    I passed FAR with 83. I did average on the MCQ but great on SIM. I even got the impairment question wrong (if CV < recoverable amount, what to do) and had no clue of the volunteer health care organization types. However, I passed. I will say that you should always get the research question right first.


    Scores do not come early, except for the day/night before the official release date, and they are playing with that so who knows.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    I just got my score…pulled a 77!!! Don't lose faith like I almost did, you can pass even if you feel that you didn't!!

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