CPA FAR – Inquiry – Please Supply Your Honest Thought

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  • #191371

    Hi All, I took FAR on 01/9/2015, and felt that the first testlet was easy , second was harder then fist one, and the last one has lengthy questions up to 20, then have one liner questions till Q#30.

    I do believe I did do well in MCQs.

    In my simulation, I was given the whole three sections of entries to provide and with multiple scenarios. All I can tell is- I did try my best and filled our whatever I could. Most them were guesses. However I made sure not to leave any cell blank and filled out all cells with some numbers and account titles to at least to get some credit since I believe the test is graded by computer even TBS, therefore possibly the figures and account titles headings be picked by the computer regardless of complete correctness of the answer. (Not sure that is how the tests are graded by AICPA). The last thing to mention, I was asked only one research questions, and was very long and indirect with no proper specific word was provided for me to search through the guidance.

    My questions are: (1)Did someone had the same exam feeling (post exam) and got “PASS” result?

    (2) Do you think my approach was correct to fill out as much as possible since did not know the sure answers?

    (3) In my research question, I do believe I filled out three boxed correctly bi the last box I am not sure, Will I still get come credit ?

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  • #638695

    1. yes

    2. yes

    3. if that last box was wrong, no

    A 88, B 76, F 84, R 76 Passed 2014

    Licensed in OK


    @hassanasim I also took FAR on yesterday. I don't know how the exam went mostly because I do not like to speculate. I did have one simulation on something that I had never heard of before but I was able to find guidance on it in the codification but by that time I was so drained the guidance wasn't making sense. I think you did the right thing by answering everything even if you did not know. Hopefully we both passed the exam and can move on to the next portions of the test.


    Everyone always asks this question after an exam. Maybe 1 out of 10 people feel OK after leaving an exam. After FAR I had a genuine meltdown. You can't focus on it, it is what it is. If it's your first exam you will quickly find out that your score is never what you thought it would be. In the three that I have taken I did not at all expect the grade that I got. And, like most people, I felt like I didn't pass after each one. Your feelings really mean nothing.

    Also, yes you should never ever leave anything blank. However, I would never put random numbers, I would put 0 for everything because at least some of the time that's a correct answer.

    And no you won't get credit on the research question. However it's only one “point” so don't worry about it too much.


    Thank you everyone.


    You received 84 in Far, how did you do in your TBS? similar to mine, if so then how come you were able to receive good score of 84? Usually with uncertain TBS I do expect if lucky -hardly pass

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