CPA Exam Blueprint- FAR

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  • #1903723

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me from their past experience, how accurate are the CPA exam blueprints compared to the test? My test is at the end of August and I still have a few chapters in Becker’s book to study for the 1st time( Chapter 3, 4, & 5: Investments, Business combinations, Goodwill, Liabilities, and Assets and Related Topics). I was thinking to use the blueprints to budget my time accordingly to topics that will be tested for Sims vs M.C.

    Are the blueprints a good indicator of what SIMS, in particular, to expect?
    Also, if you have any additional study tips for the last month of preparation!

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  • Author
  • #1903774

    Yes, I think the blueprint was accurate. My only suggestion would be to do as many MCQ progress tests as possible. That was my key to success in all exams. It hammers in the topics. Good luck!


    Yes definitely use blue print. It will mostly helps you to deal with sim problems. Look for analysis in blue print and try practice sims or read the text related to that topics. If you are good with blue print, you are almost guaranteed to pass the exam as those are also heavily tested parts and something AICPA wants you to know as CPA(if you pass all parts) in real life.


    Everyone keeps saying use the blueprint use the blueprint but i dont know why I dont understand how to. I wish someone can make an example of how to “use” the blueprint according to Becker or something


    N_Beast, your advice sounds really good. With the whole looking for analysis question. Do you think I should use the same technique for AUD?

    I need to pass before busy season.

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