Completely bombed one topic/area of FAR.. will I fail?

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  • #2257287

    Like the title says, after taking FAR this week I had a bad feeling about all of the questions I got involving assets (F3 in Becker) – including fair value measurements, inventory, capitalized costs for PPE, and R&D. I know that these areas should be easy, but the exam kept adding in distracters that threw me off and caused me to second guess my initial (correct) answer choice. As a result, these questions really stuck with me and I later found out that I got pretty much every single one incorrect.

    My question is – can I still pass even though I feel terrible about this particular area? I thought I read somewhere that if you were particularly poor in just one certain topic that it would prevent you from reaching a passing score.

    This is super frustrating to say the least since I should have just went with my gut feeling. I know that this will haunt me until the score release.

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  • #2257353

    Good Morning! I wouldn't rule out all hope based on the scenario you discussed above. There have been stories of people who left SIM's completely blank and still passed, or flagged around 10 – 15 multiple choice questions and still passed. You also must remember that there are around 12 pretested multiple choice questions and atleast 1 SIM pretested, so dont give up hope! Hopefully we will both get passing scores here in a week or so!

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    I just passed FAR with a 76. My first testlet was peculiar man. They were paragraphs long, and on topics I was not great with. My second testlet did not get harder but I did do pretty good on it, maybe 3 or 4 i was unsure of. So now that I got my score back maybe the majority of the Pre-test MCQs were in the first testlet because man I was unsure on like 10 of them and I thought screwed myself. My sims, I was feeling good on 3 of them and confident I got partial credit on like 2 of them. Hang in there.

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