Chances of passing??

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  • #195532

    So I took my FAR exam last week and it was my first CPA exam ever. I am not 100% sure how my difficulty levels of questions went.. I took more time for the last two and they were definitely wordier and more time consuming, so I am hoping that means they were the difficult test-lets and not medium. I think I did pretty well on the MCQ in general tho and after looking at my notes I know I got a couple wrong, which only increases my nervousness (stupid to do I know). The simulations were not too bad in my opinion. I got the research question right for sure. I had to rush through the last 3 sims even though I knew how to figure them out so the numbers might not be all right but accounts were I think.

    Based on this experience think I have a chance? I really could not tell when I walked out of the exam and felt like I did not do well at all.

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  • #682838

    I would say your chances sound reasonable.

    FAR - Passed (82)
    BEC - Passed (76)
    AUD - Passed (89)
    REG - Passed! (81)
    AICPA Ethics

    Licensed CPA


    I know its usually impossible to tell. Just really unsure if my confidence in MCQ are as I think they were and if they will make up for the sims.


    I felt the same way about AUD yesterday i felt confident during the MCQ not so much on the SIMS. I could be way off tho and me thinking i did good on the MCQ might turn out i did bad just so hard to tell.

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016


    If it makes you feel any better, I felt like I'd been hit by a train walking out of FAR. It was my 1st test, but was definitely the worst feeling I had leaving other than my 1st REG try. I was so frustrated at FAR that I basically quit trying on MCQs, literally guessed at half the sims, and finished the whole thing in just over an hour and a half. Ended up with the perfect score-so there's definitely hope, cause yours sounds better than mine did!

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    If you thought the sims weren't bad, I would say your chances are pretty good. I thought I bombed the test and somehow got a passing score.

    R U A CPA

    I went into FAR halfway prepared. I guessed on over half of the MC and only did 4 out of the 7 sims. I left 3 completely blank. I made a 72 (so close!), so I would say if you completed everything and felt confident with more than half the stuff then you got it!

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 84
    FAR - 72, 10/19/15
    REG - 78


    I doubt it will make you feel better but I failed numerous times and everytime I walked out I thought hey I got a chance. The ones I passed I walked out thinking I studied for the wrong exam and I didn't even recognize any of the questions. Personally I feel like the exam is impossible to tell if you passed until you get your score. People have known they failed and posted on here only to get a 90. People have been positive they passed and then they see a score of 60.

    My personal opinion the only thing I found that gives a true representation of your score is the NINJA MCQ


    In my experience, feeling so-so is a good place to be.

    Audit(11/5/13) - 89
    Reg(5/16/14) - 86
    FAR(7/18/14) - 82
    BEC(11/14) - 85

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