Anyone seen DV LIFO on FAR?

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  • #194525

    I’m in the midst of studying for my 3rd attempt at FAR and can’t remember seeing any Dollar Value LIFO questions on the exam both times I took it.

    Which got me thinking: Have any of you seen a dollar value LIFO question on the FAR exam?

    B TBD
    A TBD
    R 57
    F 62, 70, 65

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  • #670312

    In my most general way, I will say that if the review programs have you learning it, you're going to need to know it. It's not horribly difficult. Just because you didn't see it rounds 1 and 2 doesn't mean you won't see it round 3. 🙂

    FAR - 90 ✔
    BEC - 86 ✔
    REG - 82 ✔
    AUD - 92 ✔
    ETHICS - Passed

    *Licensed CPA


    pretty sure saying whether you have or have not seen a specific topic is divulging information from the test and should be avoided with a ten foot poll.

    i havnt taken FAR so i have no clue but i think tscape's answer is a good one

    Aud-75 3x I knew i never liked you
    Bec-77 1x being in the bubble is stressful
    Reg-82 4x its not me its you...and no we cant be friends
    Far-78 1x easiest section


    DVL its can comes up on MCQ or a SIM. Do not skipped it


    I got a question on it on my second re-take…thank goodness I studied that part the second time because I didn't really understand it the first time around. It was simple enough question so it wasn't anything too complicated.

    FAR - (11/01/14) 71 (02/07/15) 79
    AUD - (04/30/15) 86
    BEC - (07/21/15) 73 (10/01/15) 75
    REG - (11/30/15) 55 (05/19/16) 74


    I had one MCQ on it, not positive I got it right, but you might want to review it.

    BEC - 82
    REG - 86
    FAR - 85
    AUD - 84 and I'm out!!!!!
    Ethics - 95
    In Skynet's Honor:
    Act I: Shutdown Skynet and prevent Judgment Day.
    Act II: Add a comma and three letters to my title.
    Act III: Time Travel and marry a young Denise Richards (and prevent subsequent plastic surgery),return to present.
    Act IV: Serve as Successor to Elon Musk as CEO of Tesla.
    Act V: Ensure Judgment Day has been stopped. Utopia achieved.


    You can take a risk-based approach and weigh the time it would take you to learn it versus the risk that it will show up on your exam. If you think it will take you too long to learn versus focusing on more important topics like government, then your time might be better spent on other areas. That said, its not super hard. On a risk-based approach, I committed to getting comfortable with DVL but I did not even bother with DVLR or the more in depth DVL topics.


    It would be a great MCQ question. It's not that much information to study, and why not?

    FAR - 78
    AUD - 82
    REG - 79
    BEC - 78

    Study Materials: Becker Self Study, NINJA Notes, NINJA MCQ for review
    Started March 2015 and finished December 2015 all on first attempt. Licensed CPA Jan 2016.

    IT Auditor/CyberSec Consultant in Public Accounting
    Future goals: Learn IT Network infrastructure, obtain CISA & CISSP


    here is an awesome video that only lasts 10 minutes and it completely demystified the DV Lifo for me:

    REG - 91 on 01/21/15
    FAR - 87 on 05/30/15
    BEC - 88 on 01/04/16
    AUD - 96 on 10/16/15



    It's a very easy concept, why not just understand it?

    Watch the video that @Mashukzzz gave you.

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