Am I gonna pass AUD?

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  • #190282


    I took AUD yesterday and now feel unsure about whether i can pass it. I think I did pretty well on the first testlet. And then the second testlet is really difficult and long, and I marked 10 questions or so. I don’t know whether it is that I did not do well on my second testlet, I got an easy third testlet again. Seriously, I am frustrated by that. My simulation was okay. Not very sure about my research question and three other blanks.

    I am so confused right now about whether I am gonna pass. Anyone have any ideas or similar experience?

    FAR - 93 (08/24/2014 - First down!)
    AUD - 91 (11/21/2014 - Second down!!)
    BEC - 90 (02/26/2015 - Third down!!!)
    REG - 94 (05/29/2015 - Touch down!!!!!)

    Here comes my touch down!
    Certified in MA (08/2015)

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  • #620014

    I'm right there with you! Felt good about most of it, but was unsure about a few things.


    i didnt feel a change in difficulty throughout any of my testlets


    Just got my audit score today and scored a 95. This is the most surprised I've ever been because of the following:

    1. I could not tell the difficulty was getting harder

    2. I completely missed the research simulation

    3. I was 50/50 on about 3 simulations. I did, however, completely nailed 3 100% though.

    So hang in there. I had the same feeling as you while I waited for 3 ridiculous weeks for my score. Everything will be fine!!

    FAR - 86 7/2014
    AUD - 95 10/2014
    REG - 87 1/22/15
    BEC - 84 7/2015


    @MrCPA511, haha you meant you got a 95 for audit haha!!! Congrats!!!!

    , MrCPA511 is right, hang in there, i felt the same way for far, and i passed ,found out today!!!i'm so happy!!!!


    Thank you everybody for the encouragement! Two weeks' waiting is loooooong! Lol

    FAR - 93 (08/24/2014 - First down!)
    AUD - 91 (11/21/2014 - Second down!!)
    BEC - 90 (02/26/2015 - Third down!!!)
    REG - 94 (05/29/2015 - Touch down!!!!!)

    Here comes my touch down!
    Certified in MA (08/2015)


    @ijustwant76 You will do fine I guess! Hopefully we all pass!!!

    FAR - 93 (08/24/2014 - First down!)
    AUD - 91 (11/21/2014 - Second down!!)
    BEC - 90 (02/26/2015 - Third down!!!)
    REG - 94 (05/29/2015 - Touch down!!!!!)

    Here comes my touch down!
    Certified in MA (08/2015)


    Agreed. 2 weeks is going to be a LONG wait.

    My tests seemed to go Medium, Hard, Hard. If anything, the third test was Harder than the first two and the second was, noticeably, harder than the first.

    My Sims didn't seem too bad. I actually spent the most time on the Research Problem. I skipped it and went back and attacked it from a different angle and then had the answer stare me right in the face so I feel confident I got it right in the end. I did have a “FAR Style” SIM with an Audit twist on it. I really hope that was not the pretest question because I know I nailed it.


    you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    AUD was my last exam and I was so convinced I failed, I started studying again the day I took it. Imagine my surprise to get my best score ever!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @mla1169 haha I thought about keeping reviewing AUD after my exam too! But after reading AUD straight for weeks before the exam, it kind of makes me sick when think about I might need to reread it again :‘( As a result, I start to read a bit BEC instead…..

    FAR - 93 (08/24/2014 - First down!)
    AUD - 91 (11/21/2014 - Second down!!)
    BEC - 90 (02/26/2015 - Third down!!!)
    REG - 94 (05/29/2015 - Touch down!!!!!)

    Here comes my touch down!
    Certified in MA (08/2015)


    You got a 93 on FAR? Most people I know have their scores bunched up in a fairly narrow range — I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Stay positive.

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!


    @JamesBJames Thank you for the encouragement!!

    FAR - 93 (08/24/2014 - First down!)
    AUD - 91 (11/21/2014 - Second down!!)
    BEC - 90 (02/26/2015 - Third down!!!)
    REG - 94 (05/29/2015 - Touch down!!!!!)

    Here comes my touch down!
    Certified in MA (08/2015)

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