AICPA Released Multiple Choice

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  • #2472186

    I was just working on some of the AICPA MCQ’s that were released and are available through NINJA‘s website. I did the 2019 both moderate and hard, as well as the 2018 moderate just to gauge where I am as I prepare to retake FAR. I was wondering if doing well/poor on these is a good sense of where you are at? If anyone has past experience with this it would be extremely helpful, thanks!

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  • #2477265

    In my experience the released questions don't match up with the real exam (hard or moderate). However, I like seeing them because I get an idea of where the AICPA might focus of a particular topic, at what level I should be prepared if needed. It's more like a guide but definitely not a direct reflection of the exam.

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79

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