Adaptive Testing

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  • #1423097

    I understand that usually the first testlet is “easy” and if they get harder then that means you are doing well. When i took Far both the second and third got harder than the first but more so in the sense that they took more time to calculate. The questions were mostly long paragraphs with calculations involved but they werent necessarily hard. Can that mean i was just very prepared and knew the material or are those long paragraph answers consider to be “easy” too?

    I marked a total of 8 or 9 that I can remember which is kind of weird because for every other exam that i took once (BEC and REG) i marked about 15. This was my second time taking FAR so i walked out feeling way more confident than the first time. Hopefully those “hard” questions were actually consider hard.

    AUD: 70, 73, 85!
    BEC: - 81!
    REG: - 75!!!!!
    FAR: -

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